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The Boiling Frog

Nate Serg

Updated: Jun 25, 2021

"Emergency doctors on Twitter have crowd-sourced and are now testing a groundbreaking new hypothesis...."

"Emergency doctors on Twitter have crowd-sourced and are now testing a groundbreaking new hypothesis...."

“Are we treating the actual disease patients are dying from ?? Are we asking the right questions ??” Following the links, I discovered a new series of web artifacts by New York critical care physician Cameron Kyle-Sidell, suggesting something radically new.

COVID19 is not causing pneumonia at all, he suspects, but rather high-altitude sickness...

...efforts to treat COVID19 as pneumonia with ventilators could be misguided, as ventilators are meant to compensate for muscular lung failure, whereas the problem here is actually oxygen supply. The implication, says Kyle-Sidell, is that COVID19 at least in some patients might be better treated not like pneumonia, where the problem is the weakness of the lungs to pump air, but more like high-altitude-sickness, a disease where lungs work fine but cannot process oxygen.

The first study is suggesting to check the patients carbon monoxide level not oxygen level, because if patients are having carbon monoxide poisoning, the treatment is going to be Hyperberic Oxigen Unit, not Ventilator...

I am an EMT and contact with CoVid patients and see it's not just flu, severe cases really have low oxygen levels, not all patients took vaccines, not all families of CoVid patients get sick, some live close to cell towers or power transformers,......and are exposed to EMF.

I posted this on Terrain Group long time ago, so you may have seen this before...but I modified and updated some. I was discussing about CoVid's association with 5G in a post on Terrain yesterday, and a man named Scott Donker providing very good information, and after that I had conversations with two people, and found something interesting. One was my patient (I am in EMS) and she told me about her husband who died of CoVid (Photo #3) and the other one is my friend told me that close to 50% of his coworkers(a lot) got sick recently, and some have been in ICU and one had to do a blood transfusion, and not everyone had underlining sickness. There is a US Air Force base close to his company. And many of you know that Fixed Wireless telecommunications at 60GHz absorbs oxygen properties, and it cannot combine with hemoglobins, so treating patients with blood transfusion makes sense. And this technology is developed by US military, was even tested in Eugene Oregon by US Air Force.


While I was translating an audio about the correlation between 5G and Coronavirus...and something hit me and I looked up Carbon Monoxide... and found a study written by Detoxicologist.

He and his team found similarities in symptoms between Endogenous carbon monoxide (CO) produced naturally by heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and CoVid19 by researching existing studies for Endangenous Carbon Monoxide and cases in Wuhan, China. (Photo1). Symptoms that were seen in Wuhan were acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), acute kidney injury, acute cardiac injury, arrhythmia, and shock

I went a little further ....and researched to see if I would find any studies that shows the causes of Endogenous Carbon Monoxide is Radiation, and found a study of from Fukushima (2015), and they found endogenous carbon monoxide in non smokers too, it did not specify the causes but I thought it was interesting to see because it was from Fukushima after Nuclear Power Plant Explosion in 2011.

Endogenous Carbon Monoxide is caused by cell toxicity, and causes are Air Pollution, Radiation

Hyperberic Oxigen Unit, not Ventilator

The first study is suggesting to check the patients carbon monoxide level not oxygen level, because if patients are having carbon monoxide poisoning, the treatment is going to be Hyperberic Oxigen Unit, not Ventilator....

I am just writing, but even if this is the case, I am still not sure what is the of the article says, Electromagnetic, and the other one says, Defensive Weapon Production as well, and South Korea has US bases, and the the county in the State of Georgia that had many death from CoVid19 has a US base too, but I don't think Wuhan has it....but all of the places like Italy, NY surely have 5G.

Photos #4 is US Air Force Locations and Coronavirus map

I thought to share some studies.

Electromagnetic Warfare, Weapons, Weather Modification, Climate Change, Geo-Engineering and Earthquakes

Scott’s post

I recently had patient whose implant defibrillator went off many times, and it went off during the first Lockdown time too. And EMF sure interrupts it(many studies show this correlation).

Dr.Thomas Cowan “An Altérnate Theory that fits all facts and observations”

Altitude Sickness -

Symptoms of moderate altitude sickness are more intense and worsen instead of improve over time:

Worsening fatigue, weakness and shortness of breath.

Coordination problems and difficulty walking.

Severe headache, nausea and vomiting.

Chest tightness or congestion.

Difficulty doing regular activities, though you may still be able to walk independently.

Severe altitude sickness is an emergency. The symptoms are similar to moderate AMS, but more severe and intense. If you start experiencing these symptoms, you must be taken to a lower altitude immediately for medical care:

-Shortness of breath, even when resting.

-Inability to walk.


-Fluid buildup in the lungs or brain.

-HAPE, when fluid builds up in the lungs, prevents oxygen from moving around your body. You need medical treatment for HAPE. Symptoms include:

-Cyanosis, when your skin, nails or whites of your eyes start to turn blue.

(Cv19 blue

-Confusion and irrational behavior.

-Shortness of breath even when resting.

-Tightness in the chest.

-Extreme fatigue and weakness.

-Feeling like you’re suffocating at night.

-Persistent cough, bringing up white, watery fluid.

Altitude Sickness: What to Know


COVID19 patients are suffering from extremely low oxygen levels — what doctors call hypoxemia — without going into respiratory distress...

...this is like no disease pathology they have ever seen. If it turns out to be true that the “virus” somehow mimics high-altitude-pulmonary-edema (HAPE), it’s possible this could also explain why men are dying more from #COVID19 than women — we know men are more vulnerable to HAPE, though we don’t know why...

Kyle-Sidell’s / Reuben Strayer’s hypothesis is scientifically confirmed, patients with more moderate symptoms may be easier able — and better off — to avoid ventilators entirely.

(((Ventilators were a death sentence, a protocol and a gag order!)))

The notion that COVID19 mimics symptoms of high-altitude sickness might also provide another marker for the disease: insomnia. As hikers and climbers like me are aware, insomnia is a classic symptom of this syndrome, pairing with other flu-like symptoms and shortness of breath already understood to be characteristic of COVID19.

In normal lungs, air sacs (alveoli) take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. In high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), it's theorized that vessels in the lungs constrict, causing increased pressure. This causes fluid to leak from the blood vessels to the lung tissues and eventually into the air sacs.


Similarities of Symptoms of CoVid 19 and Radiation Induced Pneumonitis.

Dry Cough


Shortness of Breath

Flu-like Symptoms

And the screen shot of a News, some "survivors" are complaining of "after effects" of CoVid


COVID-19 survivors report debilitating physical and mental symptoms months after testing negative


(1942 - 2020) – The Wave Genome – Nobel Prize candidate – Гаряев Пётр Петрович



---EMF-related oxidative stress and effects on tissue--

during the conversion of foods into energy through oxygen.

It appears that oxidative stress plays a role in the pathogenesis of COVID-19, perpetuates the cytokine storm cycle, blood clotting mechanism, and exacerbates hypoxia. Taken together, this evidence indicates an important participation of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of viral infection in all direct tissue injury, including mitochondrial dysfunction, and in the signaling of the process (Fig. 1).

Further, it indicates an interplay between oxidative stress and the cytokine storm as a mechanism that sustains and worsens the tissue injury, which terminates in hypoxia and organ failure. Moreover, it reveals that the SARS-CoV-2 ...

---Functional roles of three cues that provide nonsynaptic modes of communication in the brain: electromagnetic field, oxygen, and carbon dioxide---

Brain and body already uses EMFs for "signaling" inter body communication.))

Three of these highly pervasive cues will be analyzed in greater detail, namely, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and electromagnetic fields (EMF). Special emphasis will be placed on EMF, since several authors have suggested that these highly pervasive energy fluctuations may play an important role in the global integrative actions of the brain; hence, EMF signaling may transcend classical connectionist models of brain function.

By Tom Cowan, M.D.

I recently finished reading a very sobering book on the history of electricity and its effects on life called “The Invisible Rainbow” by Arthur Firstenberg. During the coming weeks and months, I will share revelations I gained from reading this masterpiece, as in many ways it supports and extends the primary thesis of my last three books.

Health is all about the state of the water in our bodies, and, crucially, the health of our water is strongly influenced by the environment in which we live. One of the most profound influences on the water in our bodies is the electro-magnetic environment. This electro-magnetic environment, to which humans and all living beings evolved over the eons, has been radically altered in the past couple of centuries through the introduction of man-made electrical devices. There is no clearer place to see these effects than in a thorough investigation of the history of influenza in the past 150 years. Here are summaries taken from Mr. Firstenberg’s book describing the events surrounding the four major influenza outbreaks in recent times:

1889: First appearance of a global electrical system, thousands of miles of electrical tracks laid down, first appearance of alternating-current generating stations. Then, the first modern global influenza pandemic started in the fall of 1889, killing more than 1 million people and appearing simultaneously all over the globe, faster than any transportation at the time, suggesting contagion played no role in the outbreak.

1918: The great flu pandemic. At that time, the U.S. installed 13 giant radio and communications transmitters throughout the world. They all went live in late 1917 through the end of 1918. For the first time, radio signals could be heard in every part of the globe. At that time, the “Spanish flu” affected one-third of the world’s population, killing tens of millions of people. It occurred in places like the Antarctica, which had no contact with the outside world. The first known cases were 1,127 radio operators at Camp Funston, Kansas. They were the first to use wireless transmitters. Patients mostly died because of changes in coagulation of the blood, a known and recognized effect at that time of “electricity sickness.” The other interesting point is that the most affected were the young and healthy, not the old and infirm. Attempts to prove contagion of the illness were uniformly unsuccessful.

1957: Asian flu pandemic. This outbreak coincided with the installation of the White Alice Communication systems installed throughout Alaska with signals powerful enough to cover the globe. It went live in November 1956; the flu pandemic started in the fall of 1957.

1968: Hong Kong flu. On June 12, 1968, the U.S. went live with the first global military satellites called the Initial Defense Communication Satellite Program. It was the first time a global communication system was inserted directly into the earth’s outer radiation belt, called the Van Allen belt. This disrupted the magnetic field globally in an unprecedented way. The Hong Kong flu, which killed millions, began in July 1968.

Since 1968, two landmarks events in the history of EMFs occurred: the introduction of the wireless cellular technology, followed by the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). The dates and the flu pandemics associated with these events are not as clear as in the previous four, and it’s also possible that these were not marked by a flu pandemic as much as the dramatic increases in diabetes, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases. It seems that humans (actually all living things) have adapted to a new but lower level of health.

After the Hong Kong flu epidemic, doctors and scientists, not suspecting a link between the electro-magnetic environment and these pandemics, investigated whether influenza was caused by a contagious agent, such as a virus. However, the flu broke out in many places at once around the globe, spreading faster than any living thing could travel. Finally, the Public Health Department in Boston decided to investigate just how contagious influenza was. Here is what they found:

“In a further experiment with new volunteers and donors, the salt solution was eliminated and with cotton swabs, the material was transferred directly from nose to nose, and from throat to throat, using donors in the first, second and third day of the disease. NONE of these volunteers who received the material thus directly transferred from cases took sick in any way … All of the volunteers received at least two and some of them three ‘shots’ as they expressed it.”

Simply put, these and many other studies failed to provide any support that influenza was a contagious, microbial disease. It is true that in SOME people with flu-like symptoms, one can find evidence of an influenza virus. This finding in no way constitutes proof that the virus caused the illness. For one, no study has ever found that people with influenza all have evidence of a virus. Furthermore, Rudolf Steiner, when commenting about the 1918 pandemic, apparently said the “virus” they were finding was just a mineralized excretion of the cells. In other words, the cells were poisoned (he thought by some part of “sub-nature”), which caused changes in the crystalline water of the cell, thereby producing illness. The body tries to detoxify itself by ridding itself of toxins, which we have been led to believe are contagious viruses.

This understanding of the cause of influenza has many practical implications for your health and the health of your family. For one, it puts the abysmal record of the “flu shot” into a new context. It also means that paying attention to your EMF exposure, the quality of your water and all the other things I talk about in my books to foster a healthy, internal milieu become relevant for flu prevention.

Finally, we are on the cusp of the next big step in the history of the EMF exposure on earth. That is the upcoming 4G/5G rollout. Again, in a later blog, I will try to give some ideas of what we might expect given this sobering event.

Commonalities Between COVID-19 and Radiation Injury

" As the multi-systemic components of COVID-19 emerge, parallel etiologies can be drawn between SARS-CoV-2 infection and radiation injuries. ..."

Evidence for a Connection between COVID-19 and Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless

Telecommunications Including Microwaves and Millimeter Waves


----China’s Massive Amount of Immunotoxic 5G Networking and the Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus ----

Wuhan: One of the Initial Cities Trialing 5G

In fact, Wuhan was one of the initial 16 cities selected to trial 5G back in 2018.

China Unicom will begin testing 5G network in 16 cities including Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan, Guiyang, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Fuzhou, Zhengzhou, and Shenyang.

China Mobile will conduct external field test and set up more than a hundred 5G base stations in each of the following five cities: Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Suzhou, and Wuhan. 34

From the article, “Wuhan 5G Industry Development: Five-Chain Coordination, Three-Wheel Drive,” (武汉5G产业发展:五链统筹 三轮驱动), 35 (written in Chinese) published October 11th, 2019, it becomes clear that Wuhan was in a race with other Chinese cities to position itself at the forefront of 5G technology, and with approximately 10,000 5G antennas, is probably one of — if not the most — 5G-radiated city in China:

At present, Wuhan is seizing major developmental opportunities in 5G commercialization, with the construction of a national first-class 5G network as a guide, with the development of a national first-class 5G industry as the main body….

…Wuhan City has fully implemented the “Wuhan 5G Base Station Planning and Construction Implementation Plan,” with an extraordinary policy effort, to guide and support basic telecommunications companies and China Tower Corporation to accelerate the construction of 5G networks. This year and next, Wuhan will build more than 20,000 5G base stations, form a 5G basic network with leading scale, first-class quality, and strong demonstration to ensure full coverage of the 5G network in the city and be at the leading level among similar cities in the country. 35

Finally, it was stated in an article titled “5G network coming to Wuhan,” (April 16, 2018), that “3,000 macro base stations and 27,000 micro base stations” would soon be constructed, and that by 2020, the “5G network will cover every corner of the city and be available at an affordable price.” 36 This means that there may in fact be a lot more than just 10,000 antennas in Wuhan, though 10,000 alone would make Wuhan one of the most 5G concentrated cities in the world.

5G Systems Deployed in Hospitals

What is also concerning here is that China has, since about November of 2019, been installing 5G systems in its hospitals. 37 38 39 40

“Key Chinese hospitals, leading telecom carriers and Huawei Wednesday launched a project to establish standards for 5G-based networks in hospitals.” 37

“China released a pioneering standard for its 5G hospital networks, following a joint drafting and verification process between the medical and telecommunication industries.” 38

5G Systems Installed at Wuhan Coronavirus Hospitals

And to seemingly add insult to injury here, Huawei was very quick to install 5G systems in the new coronavirus hospitals — Wuhan Volcan Mountain Hospital and Thunder Mountain Hospital — the two hospitals known for only being built in just over a week. 41 42

The two articles cited here are ironically titled, (1) “Huawei installs 5G in China Hospital to fight Coronavirus,” and (2) “Huawei builds 5G in Wuhan Hospital, aims to indirectly fight the Coronavirus” as this might very well be the complete opposite of what they are indeed intending to do here. There is also an interesting video on YouTube entitled “Chinese hospitals deploy robots to help medical staff fight coronavirus outbreak,” 43 demonstrating this in action.

Chinese Telecoms Started Offering 5G Commercially in Nov, 2019

The Chinese telecom companies started to offer commercial 5G services to its customers on the first of November last year.

China’s three major wireless carriers— China Mobile, China Unicom , and China Telecom —will begin selling 5G services to consumers on Friday, November 1st in 50 major cities, including Beijing and Shanghai, said Chen Zhaoxiong, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Thursday October 31st at a Beijing conference…......

...As we can see from the above article, South Korea has the second highest number of 5G antennas with 75,000. That is a lot for a country its size. Is there a connection? I think there is with at present (Feb. 29, 2020) also the highest number of coronavirus cases (3150) and one of the highest number of death rates (17) outside of China.

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and the Immune System

Wireless radiation from 1G to 5G have all emitted modulated “Radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs)” and there are literally thousands of studies showing biological effects from exposures to man-made electromagnetic waves, and out of these, hundreds showing biological effects on the immune system.

To give just one example, research by Kolomytseva, et al. (2002) described in the paper, “Suppression of nonspecific resistance of the body under the effect of extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation of low intensity,” 61 found that with

whole-body exposure of healthy mice to low-intensity extremely-high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (EHF EMR, 42.0 GHz, 0.15 mW/cm2, 20 min daily)… phagocytic activity of peripheral blood neutrophils was suppressed by about 50% (p < 0.01 as compared with the sham-exposed control) in 2-3 h after the single exposure to EHF EMR…and that this…effect persisted for 1 day after the exposure, and then the phagocytic activity of neutrophils returned to the norm within 3 days.

And furthermore, a significant modification of the leukocyte blood profile in mice exposed to EHF EMR for 5 days was observed after the cessation of exposures: the number of leukocytes increased by 44% (p < 0.05 as compared with sham-exposed animals), mostly due to an increase in the lymphocyte content.

They concluded that, the results indicated that the whole-body exposure of healthy mice to low-intensity EHF EMR has a profound effect on the indices of nonspecific immunity.

In a paper 62 (written by myself along with Prof. Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute) — which I believe offers the most solid hypothesis to date on the main mechanisms by which EMFs do in fact disable the immune system —a number of these related to immune system effects can be found listed in the citations.

Johansson (2012) further details, in Section 8 of the BioInitiative, “Evidence for EMF Effects on the Immune System,” 63 numerous studies demonstrating those effects, especially with regards to how radiofrequency EMFs alter the immune system.

In the previously mentioned Aljazeera article,18 it is stated that a study published in the medical journal, The Lancet, on January 24th, found what it called a “cytokine storm” in infected patients who were severely ill. The condition is a severe immune reaction in which the body produces immune cells and proteins that can destroy other organs.

Hence, it should be noted here that there are, in fact, numerous research studies showing an EMF effect on cytokines: A PubMed search, for example, produced 119 search results. 64

Back in 1998, a biologist named Roger Coghill conducted an experiment where he “took white blood cells, known as lymphocytes, from a donor,” and kept them alive via the use of nutrients while exposing them to either cell phone radiation or the natural electromagnetic field of the human body.

He discovered that of the immune cells exposed to cell phone radiation, only 13% remained undamaged and able to function properly; whereas, of cells exposed only to body’s natural electromagnetic field, 70% remained undamaged and able to function properly. Naturally, while his research did provide insight, he was attacked and criticized by the wireless industry for being “unscientific.

Dr. Robert O. Becker (1985) wrote of how the immune system is weakened by manmade electromagnetic fields via the induction of “subliminal stress”:

Initially, the stress activates the hormonal and/or immune systems to a higher than normal level, enabling the animal to escape danger and combat disease. If the stress continues, hormone levels and immune reactivity gradually decline to normal. If you stop your experiment at this point, you’re apparently justified in saying, “The animal has adapted; the stress is doing no harm.”

Nevertheless, if the stressful conditions persist, hormone and immune levels decline further, well below normal. In medical terms, stress decompensation has set in, and now the animal is now more susceptible to other stressors, including malignant growth and infectious diseases.....

… One aspect of the syndrome was very puzzling. When undergoing these hormonal changes, an animal would normally be aware that its body was under attack, yet, as far as we could tell, the rabbits were not. They showed no outward signs of fear, agitation, or illness. Most humans certainly wouldn’t be able to detect a 100-gauss magnetic field, at least not consciously. Only several years after Friedman’s work did anyone find out how this is happening.

In 1976 a group under J. J. Noval at the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory at Pensacola, Florida, found the slow response in rats from very weak electric fields, as low as five thousandths of a volt per centimeter. They discovered that when such fields vibrated in the ELF range, the increased levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brainstem, apparently in a way that activated a distress signal subliminally, without the animal’s becoming aware of it. The scariest part was that the fields Noval used were well within the background levels of a typical office, with its overhead lighting, typewriters, computers, and other equipment. Workers in such an environment are exposed to electric fields between a hundredth and a tenth of a volt per centimeter and magnetic fields between a hundredth and a tenth of a gauss. (pp. 277-278) 2

5G Is Much More Powerful and Dangerous Than Its Predecessors

The 5G rollout — either the trialing stage or implementation stage — has already started in most major developed countries of the world, with majority of the rest seemingly preparing for its debut.

The European Commission has asked each member state to select one city to be 5G-ready by 2020 as part of the EU’s 5G Action Plan for a Digital Single Market. The European Commission has asked EU member countries to start trialing 5G in at least one city making it 5G ready by 2020 under its “5G Action Plan for a Digital Single Market.”

Belgium refused — even the trialing phase, not to mention the implementation phase — due to the higher radiation levels that the 5G would bring, which was way above what its radiation standards permitted. Switzerland started with both trials and implementation, but put a halt to further rollout, due to all the complaints about the health effects it was getting. Other countries seemingly just lowered their standards probably because they could not resist the next best thing to Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey Ice Cream. And the USA and China have seemingly been in a 5G race to blanket their countries in this 5G radiation (and most likely inadvertently the coronavirus), with China now seemingly winning on both those fronts.

5G has been divided into low, mid, and high bandwidths. The low-to-mid-bandwidth frequencies “are contiguous and range from 600 MHz to 6 GHz,” 66 and have been used for 1G-4G for the past forty years. On the other hand, the higher-frequency millimeter wave bandwidths are new frequencies starting at approximately 24 GHz (in the US anyway) and have not been used for commercial cell phone service in in the USA until recently with the advent of these commercial 5G services.

Full article here-



Need for Caution in the Diagnosis of Radiation Pneumonitis During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Four patients with clinical suspicion for RP were assessed. Three out of 4 patients tested positive for COVID-19. All patients presented with symptoms of cough and dyspnea. Two patients had a fever, of whom only 1 tested positive for COVID-19. Two patients started on an empirical high-dose corticosteroid taper for presumed RP ( Radiation Pneumonitis), but both had clinical deterioration and ultimately tested positive for COVID-19 and required hospitalization.

Discussion: Overlapping Symptoms

This report illustrates the overlapping symptoms and imaging features of RP and COVID-19 and the need for diagnostic caution in the management of these findings.

--COVID-19 and RP are both characterized by similar symptoms including cough, dyspnea, and fever.4,5 Ground-glass opacities and consolidations are characteristic chest CT radiographic findings of both pathologies, but data indicate differences in the distribution of these features between these pathologies.6 Chest CT findings of COVID-19 are present in approximately 80% of symptomatic patients. Early reports indicate up to 85% of patients have imaging findings in more than 1 lobe and 90% of patients have bilateral chest CT findings.7,8 This contrasts with RP, where opacities are classically noted mostly within the radiation field.9

Currently available diagnostic testing for COVID-19 commonly identifies viral RNA in nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal samples through nucleic acid amplification. These tests, although mostly specific, have a clinical sensitivity that is yet to be fully determined. Early reports indicate a significant false negative rate and the potential for higher sensitivity using lower respiratory track samples.10,11 Therefore, clinical judgment and continuous reassessment of pulmonary symptoms remains critical in patients who test negative for COVID-19.

The treatment of RP and COVID-19 are substantially different. The treatment for symptomatic RP includes a high-dose corticosteroid taper. However, there are data-driven concerns that corticosteroids can worsen COVID-19-associated lung injury, with prior studies finding that corticosteroid therapy delays clearance of Middle East respiratory syndrome and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus from the respiratory tract and plasma.12,13 This may have been the case in the first 2 patients presented, where the use of empirical high-dose corticosteroids may have contributed to their clinical deterioration.

We therefore recommend these steps in the management of patients with a differential diagnosis that includes RP (Fig 2):

  1. Review of imaging findings to characterize the nature and distribution of pulmonary changes in relation to the radiation treatment field.

  2. Prioritization of COVID-19 testing before starting high-dose corticosteroids to prevent potential exacerbation of COVID-19 in these high-risk patients.

  3. Close monitoring of pulmonary symptoms, particularly among patients who initially test negative for COVID-19, to assess for superimposed conditions including COVID-19.

...As the pandemic continues, this diagnostic dilemma will become increasingly present for providers. Given that patients with cancer, particularly those with lung cancers, are at increased risk for severe events, close monitoring of these patients and the effect of their oncologic therapies on COVID-19 outcomes are warranted.


Quantitative Extra Long PCR to Detect DNA Lesions in Patients Exposed to Low Doses of Diagnostic Radiation -

Radiation causes oxidative lesions and strand breaks in DNA of exposed cells. Extended length PCR is a reliable method for assessing DNA damage. Longer DNA strands with DNA damage are difficult to amplify compared to smaller DNA strands by PCR. The present study was aimed to evaluate DNA damage caused by ionising radiation exposure in therapeutic and diagnostic medicine.


In the present study we have explored the Quantitative PCR based measurement of nuclear DNA damage for detection of DNA damage in cases undergoing diagnostic radiological examinations (CT, Angiography) single or multiple times. The low dose cases were compared with high dose patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment and no exposure controls, positive and negative controls respectively. The protocol followed was taken from the protocol of Furda et al published in 2014 (Furda et al., 2014) with some minor changes as per our study design. We observed that the DNA lesions were found to be increasing linearly with increasing radiation dose (Figure 2), the lesions were found to be maximum in HDC (Group III), and minimum in patients who underwent single CT scanning procedures.

Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure

Exposure time-dependent thermal effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure on the whole body of rats

We investigated the thermal effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) on the variation in core temperature and gene expression of some stress markers in rats. Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to 2.14 GHz wideband code division multiple access (W-CDMA) RF signals at a whole-body averaged specific absorption rate (WBA-SAR) of 4 W/kg, which causes behavioral disruption in laboratory animals, and 0.4 W/kg, which is the limit for the occupational exposure set by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guideline. It is important to understand the possible in vivo effects derived from RF-EMF exposures at these intensities. Because of inadequate data on real-time core temperature analyses using free-moving animal and the association between stress and thermal effects of RF-EMF exposure, we analyzed the core body temperature under nonanesthetic condition during RF-EMF exposure. The results revealed that the core temperature increased by approximately 1.5°C compared with the baseline and reached a plateau till the end of RF-EMF exposure. Furthermore, we analyzed the gene expression of heat-shock proteins (Hsp) and heat-shock transcription factors (Hsf) family after RF-EMF exposure. At WBA-SAR of 4 W/kg, some Hsp and Hsf gene expression levels were significantly upregulated in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum following exposure for 6 hr/day but were not upregulated after exposure for 3 hr/day. On the other hand, there was no significant change in the core temperature and gene expression at WBA-SAR of 0.4 W/kg. Thus, 2.14-GHz RF-EMF exposure at WBA-SAR of 4 W/kg induced increases in the core temperature and upregulation of some stress markers, particularly in the cerebellum.


Exposure to electromagnetic fields induces oxidative stress and pathophysiological changes in the cardiovascular system

_____ This study aimed to highlight on the influence of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on the cardiovascular system in humans and experimental animals, from the recent articles regarding the cardiovascular effects of exposure to EMFs. EMFs might produce a variety of adverse in vivo effects such as heart problems, chest pain, and cardiovascular system disorders. Previous studies showed that an association between elevated magnetic field exposure and mortality of employer in electric utility industry jobs from arrhythmia-related causes and acute myocardial infarction influence heart rate variability by changing autonomic balance. EMF exposure can affect structure and function of cardiovascular system and may facilitate myocardial infarction by nuclear changing of cardiomyocytes. Exposure to EMFs induced pain or pressure in the chest area, heart palpitations and/or an irregular heartbeat. The symptoms resemble a heart attack and thus contribute to even more anxiety. Also, exposure to EMFs caused highly significant increases in the activities of serum creatinine phosphokinase, lactate dehydrogenase and aspartate amino-transferase enzymes, and decreases in plasma calcium level and total anti-oxidant capacity. Rats exposed to EMF showed increases in blood pressure, the absolute and relative whole heart and left ventricular weights. On the other hand, the heart rate was significantly reduced in rats exposed to EMF. The ECG recording of experimental animals exposed to EMF showed a significantly higher R and T voltages, increase in QRS duration, and prolonged P-R and QT-c intervals. A serious histopathological changes in the heart were seen in experimental animals exposed to EMFs, these changes includes increases the number of apoptotic cells, dark brown stain muscle fiber nuclei, marked cell vacuolation, hyperemia muscle fiber degeneration, distortion of some cardiac myocytes, mononuclear cellular infiltration and histological structure of the myocytes spaces were seen. Ultra structural of the myocardial tissue and sarcomere in experimental animals exposed to EMFs showed that lose of area in sarcomeres, irregular structural of myocardial cells, and ruptures of sarcomeres, lose of mitochondria cristae, blebs of mitochondria.

It can be concluded that exposure of human and experimental animals to EMFs have been a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels by causing a histopathological changes and disturbances in the functions of the organs of the cardiovascular system.

Childhood Leukaemia -

The new epidemiological studies are consistent with earlier findings of an increased risk

of childhood leukaemia with estimated daily average exposures above 0.3 to 0.4 µT.

These recent studies on genotoxicity suggest that exposures to ELF MF at 1 mT or higher

exert at least modest DNA-damaging activity in cultured human cells.

Enhancements of CO2 sublimation in a fragment of dry ice, which was set in the bore of magnet, were

observed. The data of sublimation rate suggest that the rate of dry ice sublimation depends on the

magnetic field gradients. The sublimation enhancements were distinctly observed when the product of

a magnetic field and its gradient, BdB/dx, was above 70 T2/m.

Changing the gas concentration near the dry ice affected the magnetic field effect, and particularly

supplying an additional gas of CO2 and O2 accelerated and decelerated the sublimation, respectively.

Radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) can cause adverse effects in living systems. However, it is still unknown whether RF-EMF could affect the incidence of acute mountain sickness (AMS)...


Radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) can cause adverse effects in living systems.

However, it is still unknown whether RF-EMF could affect the incidence of acute mountain sickness (AMS)...

Radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) can cause adverse effects in living systems. However, it is still unknown whether RF-EMF could affect the incidence of acute mountain sickness (AMS). For study, 171 RFEMF-exposed subjects (RF-EMF group) and 188 non-RF-EMF-exposed subjects (control group) ascended rapidly from 500 to 3700 m, then further up to 4400 m after one week acclimatization. At 500 m, RF-EMF exposure was assessed and the subjects had no further exposure from the beginning of the ascent. A Lake Louise score self-report questionnaire and physiological parameter measurements were completed prior to and the next morning after arrival at high altitudes. Results showed that RF-EMF exposure of the subjects is below Chinese national standard. Compared with the control group, the incidence and severity of AMS was significantly increased in the RF-EMF group, with increased heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), cardiac output (CO), middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity (MCAv) at 3700 m, but lower arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) and hemoglobin (Hb) level. However, at 4400 m, no significant differences in the above-mentioned variables (except for MCAv, SaO2, and Hb) were observed between two groups. Furthermore, HR (adjusted OR 1.039, CI 1.015-1.064), MCAv (adjusted OR 1.072, CI 1.039-1.106), and RF-EMF exposure (adjusted OR 2.122, CI 1.030-4.373) were positively correlated with AMS. This study suggests that RF-EMF exposure clearly increases the risk of AMS and short-term altitude acclimatization is an effective strategy for the prevention of AMS in the RF-EMF-exposed populations. Additionly, high HR and high MCAv are risk factors for AMS.



----Effects of electromagnetic fields exposure on the antioxidant defense system---

Technological devices have become essential components of daily life. However, their deleterious effects on the body, particularly on the nervous system, are well known. Electromagnetic fields (EMF) have various chemical effects, including causing deterioration in large molecules in cells and imbalance in ionic equilibrium. Despite being essential for life, oxygen molecules can lead to the generation of hazardous by-products, known as reactive oxygen species (ROS), during biological reactions. These reactive oxygen species can damage cellular components such as proteins, lipids and DNA. Antioxidant defense systems exist in order to keep free radical formation under control and to prevent their harmful effects on the biological system. Free radical formation can take place in various ways, including ultraviolet light, drugs, lipid oxidation, immunological reactions, radiation, stress, smoking, alcohol and biochemical redox reactions. Oxidative stress occurs if the antioxidant defense system is unable to prevent the harmful effects of free radicals. Several studies have reported that exposure to EMF results in oxidative stress in many tissues of the body. Exposure to EMF is known to increase free radical concentrations and traceability and can affect the radical couple recombination. The purpose of this review was to highlight the impact of oxidative stress on antioxidant systems.


These recent studies on genotoxicity suggest that exposures to ELF MF at 1 mT or higher

exert at least modest DNA-damaging activity in cultured human cells.




Does 5G Make the Coronovirus-19 Lethal?: The Risks Of Upping Electromagnetic Frequencies

The BioInitiative further warns… that evidence for risks to health has substantially increased since 2007 from electromagnetic fields and wireless technologies (radiofrequency radiation). The Report reviews over 1800 new scientific studies…. Health topics include damage to DNA and genes, effects on memory, learning, behavior, attention, sleep disruption, cancer and neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. New safety standards are urgently needed for protection against EMF and wireless exposures that now appear everywhere in daily life. 6 See more scientific research here. ” [end quote from article by Paul Doyon]

Arthur Firstenberg is a scientist and journalist. For the past thirty-eight years he has been a researcher, consultant, and lecturer on the health and environmental effects of electromagnetic radiation. In his 2017 book, The Invisible Rainbow Firstenberg makes a compelling case that many environmental problems, as well as the major diseases of industrialized civilization?heart disease, diabetes, and cancer?are related to electrical pollution. His book Includes the effects the 5G rollout will have on all of us. A recent article expands.

“Given the high pulsation level for 5G radiation, even short exposures may well produce severe biological effects. In addition to this, the finding that 5G systems involve output power sometimes like 30 times higher output than did previous systems, we have a strong argument for disaster (Human exposure to RF fields in 5G downlink, Nasim, S Kim – arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.03683, 2017 – What does Dr. Pall see as predictable effects? These include:

Massive [negative] impacts on male reproduction

Universal or near universal very early onset Alzheimer’s dementias .

Universal or near universal autism.

Very high levels of germ line mutations

It is my (Dr. Pall’s) opinion that it is an atrocity of almost unbelievable proportions that no such tests have been done. All of this argues that 5G presents threats of the sort that we have never seen before – multiple imminent existential threats to our survival.”

In another article, Dr. Pall writes:

“The European Commission has done nothing to protect European citizens from the very serious health hazards and the U.S. FDA, EPA, and National Cancer Institute have done nothing to protect U.S. citizens. The U.S. FCC has been worse than that, acting in wanton disregard for our health.”


Oct 16, 2020

We observed that microwave exposure led to significant epigenetic modulations in the hippocampus with increasing frequency and duration of exposure. Microwave exposure with increasing frequency and exposure duration brings significant (p < 0.05) epigenetic modulations which alters gene expression in the hippocampus.


Emfs United Nations

The International EMF Scientist Appeal serves as a credible and influential voice from EMF (electromagnetic field) scientists who are urgently calling upon the United Nations and its sub-organizations, the WHO and UNEP, and all U.N. Member States, for greater health protection on EMF exposure.

"... adverse health consequences of chronic and involuntary exposure of people to non-ionizing electromagnetic field sources are being ignored by national and international health organizations despite our repeated inquiries as well as inquiries made by many other concerned scientists, medical doctors and advocates."

This constitutes a clear violation of human rights, as defined by the United Nations:

“Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education.”

By not taking action, the WHO is failing to fulfil its role as the preeminent international public health agency.

The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

is the U.N.’s “voice for the environment” and is uniquely positioned to take a planetary view of the potential for harm that EMF pollution presents to, biology -- evolution, health, well being, and very survival of all living organisms world-wide.

We encourage the U.N. to ask UNEP to evaluate the scientific evidence and initiate an assessment of alternative exposure standards and practices that could substantially lower human exposures to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields.

Note: The Appeal was initially submitted on May 11, 2015

Press Release announcing International EMF Scientist Appeal (May 11, 2015)

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) concluded in two final reports released November 1, 2018, that there is clear evidence that male rats exposed to high levels of radio frequency radiation (RFR), like that used in 2G and 3G cell phones, developed cancerous heart tumors. There was also some evidence of tumors in the brain and adrenal gland of exposed male rats.

The International EMF Scientist Appeal

serves as a credible and influential voice from EMF (electromagnetic field) scientists who are urgently calling upon the United Nations and its sub-organizations, the WHO and UNEP, and all U.N. Member States, for greater health protection on EMF exposure.


Hypoxia and Hypoxemia (Low Blood Oxygen)

Influences of 50-Hz magnetic fields and ionizing radiation on c-jun and c-fos oncoproteins


5G Radiation, Known to Produce Impaired Immunity, May Have Coincided with Coronavirus Pandemic



We are forwarding to you the International EMF Scientist Appeal1

with a renewed and urgent request

This Appeal, now signed by 247 scientists in 42 nations, was initially submitted to the U.N. SecretaryGeneral, the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, and to the U.N. Environment

Programme Executive (UNEP) Director in May, 2015. The Appeal has been readdressed to the current

leaders of the U.N. and its sub-organizations since that time.


SpaceX, based in the United States, has plans for 42,000 satellites, is already launching 60 at a time, twice a month, and is developing a larger rocket that can launch 120 at a time. As soon as 420 satellites are in orbit, it plans to turn them on. That could be as early as February 2020. (EMF EMITTING 5G TECH SATELLITES)



Magnetic Curtain -

We have observed a phenomenon that candle flames are pressed down by magnetic fields. We have also observed that flows of gases such as carbon dioxide and oxygen are blocked by magnetic fields. A model, called a ‘‘magnetic curtain,’’ has been introduced to explain these phenomena. The magnetic curtain is a wall of air which is produced by magnetic fields. We have demonstrated an experiment...

...During magnetic field exposures, oxygen concentration decreased, whereas concentrations of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide increased....


These recent studies on genotoxicity suggest that exposures to ELF MF at 1 mT or higher

exert at least modest DNA-damaging activity in cultured human cells.


MF, High Altitude Sickness and Cv19 Similarities

the Covid, 5g , high altitude


We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe

The technology is coming, but contrary to what some people say, there could be health risks

By Joel M. Moskowitz on October 17, 2019

The telecommunications industry and their experts have accused many scientists who have researched the effects of cell phone radiation of "fear mongering" over the advent of wireless technology's 5G. Since much of our research is publicly-funded, we believe it is our ethical responsibility to inform the public about what the peer-reviewed scientific literature tells us about the health risks from wireless radiation.

The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently announced through a press release that the commission will soon reaffirm the radio frequency radiation (RFR) exposure limits that the FCC adopted in the late 1990s. These limits are based upon a behavioral change in rats exposed to microwave radiation and were designed to protect us from short-term heating risks due to RFR exposure.

Yet, since the FCC adopted these limits based largely on research from the 1980s, the preponderance of peer-reviewed research, more than 500 studies, have found harmful biologic or health effects from exposure to RFR at intensities too low to cause significant heating.

Citing this large body of research, more than 240 scientists who have published peer-reviewed research on the biologic and health effects of nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal, which calls for stronger exposure limits. The appeal makes the following assertions:

“Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.”

The scientists who signed this appeal arguably constitute the majority of experts on the effects of nonionizing radiation. They have published more than 2,000 papers and letters on EMF in professional journals.

The FCC’s RFR exposure limits regulate the intensity of exposure, taking into account the frequency of the carrier waves, but ignore the signaling properties of the RFR. Along with the patterning and duration of exposures, certain characteristics of the signal (e.g., pulsing, polarization) increase the biologic and health impacts of the exposure. New exposure limits are needed which account for these differential effects. Moreover, these limits should be based on a biological effect, not a change in a laboratory rat’s behavior.

The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified RFR as "possibly carcinogenic to humans" in 2011. Last year, a $30 million study conducted by the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) found “clear evidence” that two years of exposure to cell phone RFR increased cancer in male rats and damaged DNA in rats and mice of both sexes. The Ramazzini Institute in Italy replicated the key finding of the NTP using a different carrier frequency and much weaker exposure to cell phone radiation over the life of the rats.

Based upon the research published since 2011, including human and animal studies and mechanistic data, the IARC has recently prioritized RFR to be reviewed again in the next five years. Since many EMF scientists believe we now have sufficient evidence to consider RFR as either a probable or known human carcinogen, the IARC will likely upgrade the carcinogenic potential of RFR in the near future.

Nonetheless, without conducting a formal risk assessment or a systematic review of the research on RFR health effects, the FDA recently reaffirmed the FCC’s 1996 exposure limits in a letter to the FCC, stating that the agency had “concluded that no changes to the current standards are warranted at this time,” and that “NTP’s experimental findings should not be applied to human cell phone usage.” The letter stated that “the available scientific evidence to date does not support adverse health effects in humans due to exposures at or under the current limits.”

The latest cellular technology, 5G, will employ millimeter waves for the first time in addition to microwaves that have been in use for older cellular technologies, 2G through 4G. Given limited reach, 5G will require cell antennas every 100 to 200 meters, exposing many people to millimeter wave radiation. 5G also employs new technologies (e.g., active antennas capable of beam-forming; phased arrays; massive multiple inputs and outputs, known as massive MIMO) which pose unique challenges for measuring exposures.

Millimeter waves are mostly absorbed within a few millimeters of human skin and in the surface layers of the cornea. Short-term exposure can have adverse physiological effects in the peripheral nervous system, the immune system and the cardiovascular system. The research suggests that long-term exposure may pose health risks to the skin (e.g., melanoma), the eyes (e.g., ocular melanoma) and the testes (e.g., sterility).

Since 5G is a new technology, there is no research on health effects, so we are “flying blind” to quote a U.S. senator. However, we have considerable evidence about the harmful effects of 2G and 3G. Little is known the effects of exposure to 4G, a 10-year-old technology, because governments have been remiss in funding this research. Meanwhile, we are seeing increases in certain types of head and neck tumors in tumor registries, which may be at least partially attributable to the proliferation of cell phone radiation. These increases are consistent with results from case-control studies of tumor risk in heavy cell phone users.

5G will not replace 4G; it will accompany 4G for the near future and possibly over the long term. If there are synergistic effects from simultaneous exposures to multiple types of RFR, our overall risk of harm from RFR may increase substantially. Cancer is not the only risk as there is considerable evidence that RFR causes neurological disorders and reproductive harm, likely due to oxidative stress.

As a society, should we invest hundreds of billions of dollars deploying 5G, a cellular technology that requires the installation of 800,000 or more new cell antenna sites in the U.S. close to where we live, work and play?

Instead, we should support the recommendations of the 250 scientists and medical doctors who signed the 5G Appeal that calls for an immediate moratorium on the deployment of 5G and demand that our government fund the research needed to adopt biologically based exposure limits that protect our health and safety.

PowerWatch: 1,670 Peer-Reviewed Scientific Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, October 22, 2018

This list is a compilation of citations for 1,670 peer-reviewed scientific papers about electromagnetic fields

(EMF) published in scientific journals from 1979 through 2018. The list includes all papers that PowerWatch

published on its website as of October 11, 2018.

This is not a comprehensive list of studies. PowerWatch selected these studies from their internal database of

15,000 (approx.) scientific papers, most of which address EMF.

Powerwatch has been researching the links between EMF and health risks for more than 25 years. The

organization, which is completely independent of government and industry, gathers information to help the lay

person understand this issue. Powerwatch recently added a search engine to its website which enables the

user to search specific fields in their database for specified time periods. For more information about

This list is published on the Electromagnetic Radiation Safety website with the permission of Alasdair

Philips, the Science Director and co-founder of PowerWatch.


5G Dangers & Reality: Beamforming & Triangulation. Water Molecules & Microwave


Judge to FCC: ‘I am Inclined to Rule Against You’

During oral arguments Monday in CHD’s landmark case against the FCC, Judges appeared skeptical of the FCC's support for its own findings that cellphones and other connected devices pose no risks to human health.

Judges Karen Henderson, Patricia Millett and Robert Wilkins sat on the D.C. Circuit panel. Judge Wilkins, a chemical engineer by training, told the FCC, “I am inclined to rule against you.”

Judge Millet consistently pushed the FCC to answer why the FCC and/or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration didn’t review the evidence on non-cancer effects of wireless technology; why they addressed only cell phones when there is evidence on effects from various other devices and infrastructure; and why they didn’t address the cumulative effects from the chronic exposure for numerous devices.

At the end of the hearing, the panel ordered the FCC to file supplementary evidence detailing the existence and composition of the two U.S. Food and Drug Administration working groups by the end of the next business day.

CHD’s case challenges the FCC’s refusal to review its 25-year-old obsolete wireless “health guidelines” and to adopt scientific, biologically based radio frequency emissions rules that adequately protect public health from wireless devices and infrastructure, including 5G. The petitioners filed 11,000 pages of evidence at the hearing.

“This is a landmark case and it is of the utmost importance to Children’s Health Defense,” said the CHD’s Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“The overwhelming experimental and human evidence which the FCC has ignored leaves no doubt that wireless technology is a major contributory factor to this epidemic. The FCC has shown that its chief interest is protecting the telecom industry and maximizing its profits. Its position, as put forward in its brief, and as we saw today in court, is simply indefensible.”

Children’s Health Defense and the Environmental Health Trust filed separate cases against the FCC, but filed joint briefs. While Environmental Health Trust has been represented by attorney Ed Meyers, because of a court decision that only one attorney would be allowed to present in the oral arguments, Scott McCollough, CHD’s attorney, argued for both organizations.

The scientist in Sweden states: "We need to wake people up, the scientific data are there clearly showing that this type of radiation is dangerous to human health and the nature, it's time to act and not let 5G to be implemented"

((Full Presentation))






Dr. Martin Pall has discovered the mechanism of how Electro Magnetic Field affecting our body biologically. He explained that when EMF hits our body, it activates Calcium Channel and opens it up, and then it allows excess amount of Calcium flow into the cells. that increases the calmodulin dependent Nitric Oxide, that causes hypoxia eventually, this calmodulin interacts with ACE2, it is responsible of shedding ACE2.

So I found this study about CoVid from my file, and read it again....

They suggest to use existing drugs such asclude recombinant soluble ACE2, indirect ACE2 modulators (angiotensin receptor blockers, calmodulin antagonists, selective oestrogen receptor modifiers), TMPRSS2 inhibitors (camostat mesylate, nafamostat mesylate, antiandrogens, inhaled corticosteroids) and ADAM-17 enhancers (5-fluorouracil).

Yeah, they say, ACE2 and Calmodulin.....Coincidence, right?

PCR is testing ACE2/TMPRSS2 expression, which is caused by Radiation. Yes, it's meaningless for "virus" infection, but if you think about "Radiation Injury" it's not that meaningless.

"Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 entry through the ACE2/TMPRSS2 pathway..."

Scientific evidence contradicts findings and assumptions of Canadian Safety Panel 6: microwaves act through voltage-gated calcium channel activation to induce biological impacts at non-thermal levels, supporting a paradigm shift for microwave/lower frequency electromagnetic field action

EMFs open the calcium channels, causing calcium influx into the cell. This is researched by Dr. Martin Pall1, who showed that the calcium channels in each of your cells stay open because they get disrupted by microwave radiation.

Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects Martin L. Pall *

Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, Portland, OR, USA

Calmodulin interacts with angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) and inhibits shedding of its ectodomain


The 5G system is a WiGig wireless network that operates in the 60GHz spectrum with a download speeds of up to 10 Gbps compared to the 4G download speed of 10 Mbps.

However, the frequency of 60 GHz is the frequency at which oxygen molecules oscillate. At 60 GHz, 98% of the transmitted 5G energy will be absorbed by atmospheric oxygen which then alters the orbital properties of the electrons of the oxygen molecules. '"60GHz is the frequency of oxygen molecule absorption. Oxygen molecules have electrons that they share with each other, oxygen is a diatomic molecule. What we breathe are two oxygen molecules bonded together with the electrons that they share.” When the oxygen molecule is hit with 60GHz 5G waves, these waves affect the orbital resonance properties of those shared electrons. It is those shared electrons that bind to the hemoglobin in our blood.' When the oxygen is disrupted, it will no longer bind to the hemoglobin and myoglobin (oxygen carrying molecules) and therefore will not be able to carry oxygen to the cell's powerhouse 'mitochondria'. Without oxygen, the liver becomes congested and the body, and brain, begins to break down due to slow suffocation.

Because the brain is the body organ most sensitive to the lack of oxygen, not getting enough oxygen to the brain will result in brain hypoxia. Brain hypoxia symptoms range from mild to severe.

Mild symptoms include:

cognitive disturbances / temporary memory loss / reduced ability to move your body / difficulty paying attention / difficulty making sound decisions / Severe symptoms include:

fainting / seizure / coma / brain death

Note: What do 5G and masks have in common, they both lead to oxygen deprivation!

The masks play another role in restricting your breathing ability. You can't pull normal amount of air to fill your entire lungs. So you end up getting less oxygen because you're getting less air.

Note: The spectrum for 4G starts from 700 MHz to 5 GHz frequency bands. "Compared to the frequencies below 5 GHz previously used by mobile devices, millimeter wave technology allows transmission on frequencies between 30 GHz and 300 GHz. These frequencies are called millimeter waves because they have wavelengths between 1 mm and 10 mm, while the wavelengths of the radio waves currently used by smartphones are mostly several dozen centimeters."

Note: Health Effects of cumulative low intensity Radio Frequency radiation exposure include:

DNA mutations

Mitochondrial damage

Tumors, cancer (children’s skulls receive more radiation)

Heart palpitations / Memory and cognitive problems / Sperm changes and infertility / Headaches, migraines, ringing of ears / ADHD / Anxiety / Depression / Heart Disease / Type-2 Diabetes

Radiofrequency/microwave (RF/MW) radiation affect the Schumann Resonance signals which are the mechanism through which melatonin production is activated.

Note: The frequencies also affect the bodies ability to produce Vitamin D (Vitamin D deficiency causes cold and flu due to the weakening of the immune system. This is the reason why people are prone to cold and flu in the winter season).

Note: The electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range 'are absorbed by water, fats, sugars, and certain other molecules, whose consequent vibrations produce *heat*.' Similar to microwave ovens which generate radiation at a frequency of about 2.45GHz (the microwave energy is converted to thermal energy by causing water molecules to flip back and forth some 2.45 billion times a second...The 60 GHz used by the 5G system causes water molecules to flip back and forth 60 billion times a second!!!)

Note: Main symptoms of Coronavirus: Shortness of breath, Coughing, Fever. They have also shown how people suddenly fall down with seizures which are the same symptoms caused by severe brain hypoxia." - Jeffrey James Luckay


The claim is that microwave radiation from cellphones and wi-fi is emitted at levels too low to cause biological effects.

That claim has been proven to be false (as is more than adequately shown in the attached link). Of course many have a vested interest in keeping that information from being widely-known (this is also covered in the attached link).


5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field - (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them

Large Resource on EMF Damages

Millimeter (MM) wave and microwave frequency radiation produce deeply penetrating effects: the biology and the physics

Nerological effects of ...



Coincidence, Coincidence, Coincidence - Similarities of Two Different Diseases

Large collection of the topic, including info on the Court cases

Thinking outside the Virus - VGCC and Calcium Channel...

Coincidence, Coincidence, Coincidence - Similarities of Two Different Diseases


EHT et al v. FCC Press Conference Wireless Radiation Limits and 5G Wireless Harms 1/25/2021

11,000 Pages of Evidence Filed in Landmark 5G Case Against FCC, Hearing Jan. 25 ~ Article here: - Follow TLB on Twitter at:


Dr. Martin Paul


200 international Scientist submitted an appeal to the United Nations, UN to lower EMF Radiation


Think Outside the Virus ~ VGCC and Calcium Channel Blocker ~ Coincidence #2


Dr Martin Pall Interview (long) Navy's Electromagnetic Emitters and Health Effects

Dr. Matt & Dr. Mike - ACE Inhibitor

Mechanism of Action of ACE inhibitors

Repurposing calcium channel blockers as antiviral drugs

Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels

SARS-CoV-2, Hypoxia, and Calcium Signaling: The Consequences and Therapeutic Options

Low serum calcium: a new, important indicator of COVID-19 patients from mild/moderate to severe/critical

Calmodulin interacts with angiotensin‐converting enzyme‐2 (ACE2) and inhibits shedding of its ectodomain

SARS-CoV-2, Hypoxia, and Calcium Signaling: The Consequences and Therapeutic Options

How Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Effect Biology Via Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels (VGCC) Activation

New Research Suggests Magnesium and Vitamin D Can Help Reduce CoVid-19 Infections

Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 entry through the ACE2/TMPRSS2 pathway: a promising approach for uncovering early COVID-19 drug therapies

ACE inhibition attenuates radiation-induced cardiopulmonary damage

Treating Hypertension with Calcium Channel Blockers


Coronary Calcium in COVID-19 Patients Linked to Worse Outcomes





"to summarize the effects of electromagnetic radiation exposure on the blood, the following general changes emerge: [1.General decrease in hemoglobin content] 2. Generally reduced coagulation times 3. Decrease in leucocyte count."


This report was leaked from France and translated:

"The Association des Officiers De Réserve (Association of Army Reserve Officers) spent 50 days investigating issues related to the 2020 "pandemic". The report has

been prohibited from disclosure for the time being. However, in view of the

urgency and seriousness of the situation, we have chosen

nevertheless to communicate it to civil society.

You have in your hands the "for the general public" version, with the Investigation Group's names and the Unit's symbols redacted.


Here's a video on the document and was translated and read by Claire Edwards who is "...a former United Nations Staffer in Vienna and Editor and Co-author of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space."

At 5:25 the echoing stops


Here's the document:

"This is a unique and precious document. It is both:

 A guide to the silent and hidden war that has been launched on humanity, and

 A survival handbook.


Coincidence, Coincidence, Coincidence - Similarities of Two Different Diseases


These recent studies on genotoxicity suggest that exposures to ELF MF at 1 mT or higher

exert at least modest DNA-damaging activity in cultured human cells.






EMFs vaccines update



5G Dangers & Reality: Beamforming & Triangulation. Water Molecules & Microwave


Emf poison

Experts call to restore ans defend our medical and health freedoms





Mike Emfs



Dr. Martin Pall: 5G Criminal - Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Fry Living Things

Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University. I am a published and widely cited scientist on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields and speak internationally on this topic. I am particularly expert in how wireless radiation impacts the electrical systems in our bodies. I have published 7 studies showing there exists exquisite sensitivity to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the voltage sensor in each cell, such that the force impacting our cells at the voltage sensor has massive impact on the biology on the cells of our bodies. PDF (4 Pages): Pall-Letter-to-CalLegis-FINAL-8-7-17 Please access my 90 page, seven chapter document on EMF effects, how they are produced in the body and the corruption of the international science:–dr-martin-l.-pall–eu-emf2018-6-11us3.pdf Chapter 7 from the book: 5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them Written and Compiled by Martin L. Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State UniversityAddress: 638 NE 41st Ave., Portland OR 97232 USA, 503-232-3883 May 17, 2018 Chapter 7: The Great Risks of 5G: What We Know and What We Don’t Know ( See the book for references) We have already discussed two issues that are essential to understanding 5G. One is that pulsed EMFs are, in most cases, much more biologically active than are non-pulsed (often called continuous wave) EMFs. A second is that the EMFs act by putting forces on the voltage sensor of the VGCCs, opening these calcium channels and allowing excessive calcium ions to flow into the cell. The voltage sensor is extraordinarily sensitive to those electrical forces, such that the safety guidelines are allowing us to be exposed to EMFs that are something like 7.2 million times too high. The reason that the industry has decided to go to the extremely high frequencies of 5G is that with such extremely high frequencies, it is possible to carry much more information via much more pulsation than it is possible to carry with lower frequencies even in the microwave range. We can be assured, therefore, that 5G will involve vastly more pulsation than do EMFs that we are currently exposed to. It follows from that, that any biological safety test of 5G must use the very rapid pulsations including whatever very short term spikes may be present, that are to be present in genuine 5G. There is an additional process that is planned to be used in 5G: phased arrays ( Here multiple antenna elements act together to produce highly pulsed fields which are designed for 5G, to produce increased penetration. 5G will entail particularly powerful pulsations to be used, which may, therefore, be particularly hazardous. The only data we have, to my knowledge, on millimeter wave frequencies of 5G used non-pulsed EMFs in the millimeter frequency range of 5G, not genuine 5G. Such millimeter waves have been shown to produce a number of downstream effects of VGCC activation. One millimeter wave study showed that it activated both the VGCCs and also the voltage-gated potassium channels, suggesting that it worked via the voltage sensor, as do other EMFs [136]. Any such data tells us almost nothing about how biologically active genuine very highly pulsed 5G will be. I take it that from their statements, that both Mr. Ryan and Dr. Vinciūnas are ready to put out 10s of millions of 5G antennae to afflict every single person in the EU with 5G radiation without even a single biological test of safety of genuine 5G. In the U.S., the FCC has taken a much worse position. The FCC is not only willing to allow such completely untested exposures but has also been has been aggressively pushing to promote installation of 5G antennae, such that antennae are already being installed in parts of the U.S. In a world where shocking behavior has become less and less shocking, I consider EU and U.S. views and actions to be shocking. The U.S. situation is mass insanity. I would have hoped that the Europeans, who think of themselves as being much more thoughtful than Americans, would have been genuinely more thoughtful. Why does 5G need such high numbers of antennae? It is because the 5G radiation is much more absorbed as it enters various materials. The approach is to use many more antennae with one found every few houses, such that 5G can sufficiently penetrate local walls. Such absorption usually involves the interaction with electrically charged groups, such that such high absorption is likely to involve placing forces on electrically charged groups. Because such forces are the way in which EMFs activate the VGCCs, it seems highly likely, therefore, that 5G radiation will be particularly active in VGCC activation. In summary, then, 5G is predicted to be particularly dangerous for each of four different reasons:

  1. The extraordinarily high numbers of antennae that are planned.

  2. The very high energy outputs which will be used to ensure penetration.

  3. The extraordinarily high pulsation levels.

4.The apparent high level interactions of the 5G frequency on charged groups presumably including the voltage sensor charged groups. Now what the telecommunications industry argues is that 5G radiation will be mostly absorbed in the outer 1 or 2 mm of the body, such that they claim that we don’t have to worry about the effects. There is some truth to that, but there are also some caveats that make any conclusions made from that, much more suspect. In any case, these surface effects of 5G will have especially strong impact on organisms with much higher surface to volume ratios. Consequently, I predict that many organisms will be much more impacted than we will. This includes insects and other arthropods, birds and small mammals and amphibia. It includes plants including even large trees, because trees have leaves and reproductive organs that are highly exposed. I predict there will be major ecological disasters as a consequence of 5G. This will include vast conflagrations because EMF exposures make plants much more flammable. But let’s get back to humans. The industry has also made claims that more conventional microwave frequency EMFs are limited in effect to the outer 1 cm of the body. We know that is not true, however because of the effects deep in the human brain, on the heart and on hormone systems. Perhaps the most important two studies demonstrating effects deep within the body are the studies of Professor Hässig and his colleagues in Switzerland on cataract formation in newborn calves [137,138]. These two studies clearly show that when pregnant cows are grazing near mobile phone base stations (also called cell phone towers), the calves are born with very greatly increased incidences of cataracts. It follows from these findings that even though the developing fetuses are very deep in the body of the mother and should be highly protected from the EMF exposures, they are not so protected. And because the EMF safety guidelines in Switzerland are 100 times more stringent than are the safety guidelines in most of the rest of Europe, in the U.S., Canada and most of the rest of the world, the more general safety guidelines allow greatly excessive exposures and penetration of effects. The claims of industry that microwave frequency EMFs only act in the outer centimeter of the body are clearly false. How then can both conventional microwave frequency EMFs and 5G radiation act deeply within the body? You may correctly observe that the electrical effects of the EMFs activate the voltage sensor and that the direct electrical forces are rapidly attenuated in the body. So how can we get deep effects? I think the answer is that the magnetic parts of the EMFs have been known for decades to penetrate much more deeply than do the electrical parts. The magnetic fields put forces on mobile electrically charged groups dissolved in the aqueous phases of the body and small individual movements of the charged groups can regenerate electric fields that are essentially identical to the electric fields of the original EMFs, carrying the same frequency and same pulsation pattern, although with lower intensity. An example of this is given in the Lu and Ueno [139] study. Because the voltage sensor is so stunningly sensitive to electrical forces and part of the reason for that is the very high level of amplification of the electrical field across the plasma membrane, we have an almost perfect way in which to produce EMF effects deeply within our bodies. I am very concerned that 5G may produce effects like those we already see produced from lower frequency EMFs but are much more severe. I am also concerned that we will also see responses that are qualitatively different. Let me give you three possible examples of the latter type and one quantitative example. Each of the four types of blindness, have downstream effects of VGCC activation as causal factors: cataracts, detached retinas, glaucoma and macular degeneration. The aqueous and vitreous humors in the eye may be an ideal environment for the regeneration of the electrical fields within the eye. We may, therefore have a gigantic epidemic of each of the four types of blindness. Another concern focuses on kidney dysfunction, which was shown in Chapter 5 to be impacted by EMFs. The kidneys have much fluid, both blood and also what will become urine, which may allow efficient the regeneration of electrical fields. Such regeneration may be expected to impact both the glomerular filtration and also the reabsorption, both essential to kidney function. Does this mean that 5G will produce very large increases in kidney failure? The only way to find out is to do biological safety testing of genuine 5G radiation. Let me give you a third example. Fetuses and very young babies have much more water in their bodies than do adults. Therefore, they may be a special risk for impacts of 5G, because of great increases in the regeneration of the electrical fields. Here one can think of all kinds of possibilities. Let me suggest two. We may have a gigantic (sorry about using that word again) epidemic of spontaneous abortion due the teratogenic effects. Another possibility is that instead of autism being one birth in 38, however horrendous that is, it could be one out of two, or even a majority of births. I don’t know that these will happen, but these are the kinds of risks we are taking and there are many others one can think of. Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world. This brings us back to the earlier point. The only way to do 5G safety testing is to do genuine 5G biological safety testing. I have published on how this can be done relatively easily at relatively low cost and have, as you saw in the Chapter 6, told the FCC how this can be done. Those tests must be done by organizations completely independent of industry and that leaves out both ICNIRP and SCENIHR and a lot of other organizations. Now we will get into the precautionary principle which is specially relevant to the EU but may have lessons for all of us. Dr. Vinciūnas’ last full paragraph reads as follows: “The recourse to the EU’s precautionary principle to stop distribution of 5G products appears too drastic a measure. We need first to see how this technology will be applied and how the scientific evidence will evolve. Please be assured that the Commission will keep abreast of the scientific evidence in view of safeguarding the health of European citizens at the highest level possible and in line with its mandate.” Article 191 defines the Precautionary Principle as follows: “According to the European Commission the precautionary principle may be invoked when a phenomenon, product or process may have a dangerous effect, identified by a scientific and objective evaluation, if this evaluation does not allow the risk to be determined with sufficient certainty. Recourse to the principle belongs in the general framework of risk analysis (which, besides risk evaluation, includes risk management and risk communication), and more particularly in the context of risk management which corresponds to the decision-making phase. The Commission stresses that the precautionary principle may only be invoked in the event of a potential risk and that it can never justify arbitrary decisions. The precautionary principle may only be invoked when the three preliminary conditions are met: * identification of potentially adverse effects; * evaluation of the scientific data available; * the extent of scientific uncertainty.” The question now is what about 5G? We have with 5G strong suspicions of similar or much more severe risk of effects documented elsewhere in this document. We have no biological safety testing of genuine 5G radiation. Therefore, we have no risk analysis or risk management because we have no risk assessment whatsoever on 5G. So here we have Dr. Vinciūnas arguing that the request for precautionary principle application is premature. But it is not the request for the use of the precautionary principle that is premature, it is the Commission’s claim that it has done the required risk analysis and risk assessment. This is the bizarre world that we live in. The European Commission has done nothing to protect European citizens from the very serious health hazards and the U.S. FDA, EPA and National Cancer Institute have done nothing to protect U.S. citizens. The U.S. FCC has been worse than that, acting in wanton disregard for our health. Let me close, as follows. There have been certain points in our history where people have stood up to strong destructive forces against what often appeared to be insurmountable odds. Those people are THE most honored people in our history. The people who failed to do so are among the most despised people in our history. I am not at all sure we will have historians to record us 100 years from now or even 30 years from now, given the direction in which we are heading. But if we do, rest assured that these are the standards by which we will all be judged.


Think Outside the Virus ~ VGCC and Calcium Channel Blocker ~ Coincidence #2


Dr Martin Pall Interview (long) Navy's Electromagnetic Emitters and Health Effects

Dr. Matt & Dr. Mike - ACE Inhibitor

Mechanism of Action of ACE inhibitors

Repurposing calcium channel blockers as antiviral drugs

Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels

SARS-CoV-2, Hypoxia, and Calcium Signaling: The Consequences and Therapeutic Options

Low serum calcium: a new, important indicator of COVID-19 patients from mild/moderate to severe/critical

Calmodulin interacts with angiotensin‐converting enzyme‐2 (ACE2) and inhibits shedding of its ectodomain

SARS-CoV-2, Hypoxia, and Calcium Signaling: The Consequences and Therapeutic Options

How Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Effect Biology Via Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels (VGCC) Activation

New Research Suggests Magnesium and Vitamin D Can Help Reduce CoVid-19 Infections

Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 entry through the ACE2/TMPRSS2 pathway: a promising approach for uncovering early COVID-19 drug therapies

ACE inhibition attenuates radiation-induced cardiopulmonary damage

Treating Hypertension with Calcium Channel Blockers


Coronary Calcium in COVID-19 Patients Linked to Worse Outcomes





"to summarize the effects of electromagnetic radiation exposure on the blood, the following general changes emerge: [1.General decrease in hemoglobin content] 2. Generally reduced coagulation times 3. Decrease in leucocyte count."


This report was leaked from France and translated:

"The Association des Officiers De Réserve (Association of Army Reserve Officers) spent 50 days investigating issues related to the 2020 "pandemic". The report has

been prohibited from disclosure for the time being. However, in view of the

urgency and seriousness of the situation, we have chosen

nevertheless to communicate it to civil society.

You have in your hands the "for the general public" version, with the Investigation Group's names and the Unit's symbols redacted.


Here's a video on the document and was translated and read by Claire Edwards who is "...a former United Nations Staffer in Vienna and Editor and Co-author of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space."

At 5:25 the echoing stops


Here's the document:

"This is a unique and precious document. It is both:

 A guide to the silent and hidden war that has been launched on humanity, and

 A survival handbook.


Coincidence, Coincidence, Coincidence - Similarities of Two Different Diseases


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