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Fertile Soil

Nate Serg

Updated: Aug 8, 2021

Dr. Beauchamp proved that our bodies became hostess to a germ only after chemical and mechanical changes have damaged our immune systems and that as long as our bodies and tissues retain high vitality, a germ, infection will not make progress. For example, if we see flies on a manure pile which do we think is more intelligent – to fight disease be swatting flies or to remove the pile of manure.” -Dr. J. Baldor, Surgeon, Florida

“If I could live my life over again, I’d devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat, disease tissue, rather than being the cause of disease tissue.” -Dr. Rudolph Virchow, renowned scientist, considered the ‘Father of Pathology’

You could think of it like this; Mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but don’t cause the pool to become stagnant. Its the same way with germs.

The Germ Theory is the belief that germs are the primal cause of disease. Nutrition and exercise play a small role, but it’s really the all-pervading germ that makes you sick. That’s why we “catch cold”, thereby expelling the responsibility outside ourselves.

With this mistaken ideology we lose our innate power to heal ourselves, what Hippocrates called vis medicatrix naturae. (HEALING IS IN NATURE). Since it was something outside of your body that made you sick, in order to get well you must also seek help from an outside force, namely vaccines and doctors in general.

Luckily we don’t live in a bizarro reality like that. We don’t “catch disease”, we create it. It is not a sick person’s fault for being sick, since they never learned how the human body actually operates, but ultimately the responsibility lies with the individual.

“Almost everyone in the Western world has been nurtured on the germ theory of disease: that disease is the direct consequence of the work of some outside agent, be it germ or virus. -Arthur M. Baker.”

Germs do not cause disease. The precautions we take to eliminate germs do. These include but are not limited to: antibiotics, disinfectants, food irradiation, hand sanitizers, and vaccines which are designed to protect us from the nefarious germ. We also get sick from our compromised food supply, malnutrition, and inability to recognize what the human body needs.

When we think we “get sick”, what is really happening is our bodies are attempting to discard toxic material. “Getting sick” is allowing the body to detoxify itself from toxemia (toxic blood), which is caused by living a toxic life, as well as not absorbing the nutrients our bodies require.

Germs do not cause disease, disease causes germs. Germs are the body’s scavengers, the garbage men of your cells. If they are present that means that the conditions where they lie are unfavorable. Change the conditions of the ‘terrain’, and the germs will morph back into their healthy state.

It is easier for us to put the blame on an outside invader, thereby shifting the responsibility outside of ourselves. But health can only come from within. As Antoine Béchamp said: “Disease is born of us and in us.” That same is true for health.

The immune system is a conceptual bodily system we sort of just made up. It doesn’t actually exist, at least not in the way we think of it. The respiratory system, digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system, lymphatic system, etc, these are all clearly distinct systems of the human body. Where is the immune system? Can you point to it? What composes it? If anything, it’s the lymphatic system that comes closest to being what we call the “immune system”, as it is responsible for detoxing the body from toxins and waste material.

What is the evidence that vaccines work?

Because after they were introduced, the incidents of these diseases declined, precipitously. But, is that, in and of it’s self, not a logical fallacy?

We’ve learned that the healthier a person is the less likely they are to get sick. This aspect of the immune system is correct, but the naming of it is all wrong. Immunity does not exist. Germs don’t invade your body and cause disease, so “building up immunity” and “strengthening your immune system” to ward off those nasty germs is a lost cause. We can only build our health by providing the body with what it needs, and steering clear of chemicals, vaccines, medicines, and other magical allopathic potions that are supposed to lead to a salubrious life, but only cause more iatrogenic deaths.

Science is like a new religion. Once originally called ‘Natural Philosophy’, this new form of worship disregards common sense for the appeal to the authority and other logical fallacies. There is no longer any philosophy to it. The love of wisdom has been lost. Science is no longer “science” when corruption so pervasively dominates the scientific community. The almighty dollar is the universally accepted icon of worship, and in Scientism, the shareholders are the Gods.

Béchamp said: “Disease is born of us and in us.”

“Almost everyone in the Western world has been nurtured on the germ theory of disease: that disease is the direct consequence of the work of some outside agent, be it germ or virus. -Arthur M. Baker.”

The scientific method has been swapped out for blind faith in the corrupt system. The white-coats will tell us we can’t obtain health without their injections and magic potions. Perhaps we should ignore these authority figures and make up our own mind, based on intuition and common sense, instead of blind faith and dogma.

Most people who believe in science also believe that germs make us sick and defenses must be ‘built up’ to keep us safe. We mistakenly think exposing ourselves to these ‘germs’ builds our defenses, antibodies, etc, thereby ‘strengthening our ‘immune system’. But, there is no “immune system”. There is only health, and we build health by providing salubrious conditions for the human body, not by exposing ourselves to poison in hopes that it will ‘make our immune system stronger’. People who seem to have better ‘immune systems’ than others are just healthier in general, and the healthier you are, the less likely you are to get sick. It’s as simple as that.

In 1864, French chemist Louis Pasteur fathered “The Science of Bacteriology” and “The Germ Theory of Disease Causation” by demonstrating the existence of various micro-organisms— and concluding that these germs cause pathogenic changes in living cultures within the laboratory setting.

The germ theory states that diseases are due solely to invasion by specific aggressive micro- organisms. A specific germ is responsible for each disease, and micro-organisms are capable of reproduction and transportation outside of the body. With the germ theory of disease, no longer did we have to take responsibility for sickness caused by our own transgressions of the laws of health. Instead, we blamed germs that invade the body.

The germ theory effectively shifted our personal responsibility for health and well-being onto the shoulders of the medical profession who supposedly knew how to kill off the offending germs. Our own personal health slipped from our control.

“Almost everyone in the Western world has been nurtured on the germ theory of disease: that disease is the direct consequence of the work of some outside agent, be it germ or virus. -Arthur M. Baker.”

It was Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908), a contemporary of Pasteur, who discovered the true nature of germs. He found they were pleomorphic (capable of changing from one type of organism to another). With this theory, it is the conditions where germs live that is important (the terrain), instead of the germ itself.

As Florence Nightingale put it: “There are no specific diseases, there are specific disease conditions”.

Pasteur himself, in one of the most quoted deathbed statements perhaps of all time, recanted the Germ Theory and admitted that his rivals had been right, and that it was not the germ that caused the disease, but rather the environment in which the germ was found: “Bernard acail raison; le terrain c’est tout, le germe c’est rien.” He was referencing his nemesis Claude Bernard, a proponent of the Terrain Theory and contemporary of Antoine Béchamp.

Howard Hencke, in his 1995 book The Germ Theory: A Deliberate Aberration, notes that it was critical for the new medical industry, “… to indoctrinate the public in the Western world with the belief that the salvation from all, especially physical ailments, lay outside the individual’s system and responsibility, because it was caused by external factors…and that chemical remedies (drugs) will keep him free from disease, independent of his own vigilant responsibility.”

Some 17 years before Pasteur, the most famous nurse in history, Florence Nightingale, put it like this:

“Diseases are not individuals arranged in classes, like cats and dogs, but conditions growing out of one another. Is it not living in a continual mistake to look upon diseases as we do now, as separate entities, which must exist, like cats and dogs, instead of looking upon them as conditions, like a dirty and a clean condition, and just as much under our control; or rather as the reactions of kindly nature, against the conditions in which we have placed ourselves? I was brought up to believe that smallpox, for instance, was a thing of which there was once a first specimen in the world, which went on propagating itself, in a perpetual chain of descent, just as there was a first dog, (or a first pair of dogs) and that smallpox would not begin itself, any more than a new dog would begin without there having been a parent dog. Since then I have seen with my own eyes and smelled with my own nose smallpox growing up in first specimens, either in closed rooms or in overcrowded wards, where it could not by any possibility have been ‘caught’, but must have begun. I have seen diseases begin, grow up, and pass into one another. Now, dogs do not pass into cats.”

In other words, certain diseases, like smallpox for instance, did not originate from one original specimen. The AIDS virus didn’t come from one sick monkey. The different symptoms our bodies display are falsely categorized into different diseases. Disease cannot be classified into categories since they are all the same thing. They are the body’s attempts to heal, manifesting themselves in different ways depending on the person and the unfavorable conditions they find themselves in.

If you have the flu or a fever, your cellular terrain has been compromised. Your body’s temperature rises because it detoxes itself more efficiently at higher temperatures. Hippocrates once said “Give me fever and I can cure every disease.” He understood that what we call ‘disease’ today in Western Medicine, is really the body’s attempt to heal.

We don’t ‘catch cold’, we create sickness. As Béchamp said, “Disease is born of us and in us.”

This pathological zeitgeist of allopathy and pseudoscience is sheer madness. We can listen to the ‘trained professionals’ -who also suggest we cut off a section of our penis– or we could listen to common sense and intuition, as well as investigate the suppressed medical literature. Onward we go.

Vaccination did not save us from deadly diseases. All ‘diseases’ were in steep decline well before the vaccine was introduced.

We can forget about the nefarious germs and trying to kill them all by whatever means necessary, but we should also remember not to crap where we eat. Cleanliness is next to godliness. There is a big difference between being scared of germs and living a clean life. Fear is employed by the authorities to manufacture consent. Fear is the opposite of Love, and Love is ultimately knowledge. Knowledge must be cultivated, free of bias and cognitive dissonance.

“Don’t let schooling interfere with your education.” -Mark Twain

“Had it not been for the mass selling of vaccines, Pasteur’s germ theory of disease would have collapsed into obscurity.” – E. Douglas Hume

. -Arthur M. Baker.”

“If I could live my life over again, I’d devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat, disease tissue, rather than being the cause of disease tissue.” -Dr. Rudolph Virchow, renowned scientist, considered the ‘Father of Pathology’

You could think of it like this; Mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but don’t cause the pool to become stagnant. Its the same way with germs.

“Germs seek their natural habitat – diseased tissue – rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.” -Antoine Béchamp

“if we see flies on a manure pile which do we think is more intelligent – to fight disease be swatting flies or to remove the pile of manure.” -Dr. J. Baldor, Surgeon, Florida

It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has. -Hippocrates

There was another theory at the time that actually made sense. I’m talking about the Terrain Theory, or Pleomorphism, or the Cellular Theory of disease causation. The idea that, instead of poisoning our bodies, like we would do with antibiotics(anti-life) to kill an ‘infection’, we would instead provide the right conditions for the body to heal itself, and forget about trying to kill everything in sight.

Which one makes more sense to you? Most healthy people live their lives according to the Terrain Theory just out of common sense. Most people will never hear about this suppressed medical science, and will take the authority figure’s advice as sacrosanct truth.

It makes sense that if you are sick you probably shouldn’t consume poison. Western medicine, in their infinite wisdom, begs to differ. They think the germ is all that matters and it just needs to be eliminated. But germs only thrive under certain conditions.

Perhaps we should just provide the right conditions for our body and if we do encounter one of these pernicious ‘germs’, we can rest assured because it won’t ‘stick’. Using their own flawed and ambiguous terminology, you would be ‘immune’ to the ‘germs’.

So, what’ll it be? Should we continue living in the flawed paradigm of disease-management by treating the symptom? Or should we reject the belief system that passes for modern science and create HEALTH by addressing the root cause of the problem?

Treating the root cause of dis-ease with diet and lifestyle makes a lot of sense, But unfortunately suppressing the symptoms with drugs and surgery makes a lot of dollar$

Foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquired by the ancients. ~Hippocrates

Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm. Hippocrates

Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease. Hippocrates

“Was the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now.” Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia

It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine. Marcia Angell, M.D.

The description of the disease seems to change according to the drug that’s being marketed. -Ray Peat, PhD

“If the germ theory were founded on facts, there would be no living being to read what’s written.” Dr. George White

“Disease is the crisis of purification of toxic elimination. Symptoms are the natural defenses of the body” – Hippocrates – 460 bc

Iatrogenesis is the technical term for ‘death by medicine’ In the U.S this is the third leading cause of death according to JAMA

“The most serious disorders may be provoked by the injection of living organisms into the blood…into a medium not intended for them may provoke redoubtable manifestations of the gravest morbid phenomena.” – Bechamp

“…doctors fight the imaginary foe without ceasing. The people are so saturated with the idea that disease must be fought to a finish that they are not satisfied with conservative treatment. Something must be done, even if they pay for it with their lives, as tens of thousands do every year. This willingness to die on the altar of medical superstition is one very great reason why no real improvement is made in fundamental medical science.” – Toxemia Explained 1926

Again Dr. Tilden nails it: “… every so-called disease is a crisis of Toxemia; which means that toxin has accumulated in the blood above the toleration point, and the crisis, the so-called disease – call it cold, flu, pneumonia, headache, or typhoid fever – is a vicarious elimination. Nature is endeavoring to rid the body of toxin. Any treatment that obstructs this effort at elimination baffles nature in her effort of self-curing.”

“Bacteria and parasites cannot cause disease processes unless they find their own peculiar morbid soil in which to grow and multiply.” -Henry Lindlahr, MD

Contrary to popular beLIEf, Vaccines did not save us from deadly disease.

Rene Dubos of the Rockefeller Institute: “Reasons why the germ theory became popular are: First, it fit neatly into the mechanistic theories of the universe that were popular in the nineteenth century. Second, it fit human nature. Man, apparently, ever ready to avoid responsibility and place causation outside himself, found an easy scapegoat in the bad little organisms that flew about and attacked him. After all, it wasn’t too long ago that evil spirits had been responsible for man’s ills. Third, it fit ‘commercial nature’ When we place causation outside ourselves, we create vast armies of attackers and defenders, assailants and protectors.

The reason why Béchamp was mainly ignored and Pasteur elevated to hero status is to be found in the different personalities and the lure of commercial success. Bechamp was a dedicated scientist and researcher, but he had no skills at politics and ass-kissing. Pasteur, on the other hand, was an expert at both. He ingratiated himself with the rich and powerful, and even became a favorite of French royalty.”

“Do not automatically believe in anything , especially what you are told. Convince yourself of something by observing it with your own eyes. And, after having perceived a new fact, do not lose sight of it again until it is fully explained.” — Wilhelm Reich

People have been educated to be terrified of bacteria and to believe implicitly in the idea of contagion: that specific, malevolently-aggressive disease germs pass from one host to another. They also have been programmed to believe that healing requires some powerful force to remove whatever is at fault. In their view, illness is hardly their own doing.

The ‘germ era’ helped usher in the decline of hygienic health reform in the 19th century and, ironically, the people also found a soothing complacency in placing the blame for their ill health on malevolent, microscopic ‘invaders’, rather than facing responsibility for their own insalubrious lifestyle habits and their own suffering.

Pasteur was a chemist and physicist and knew very little about biological processes. He was a respected, influential and charismatic man, however, whose phobic fear of infection and belief in the “malignancy and belligerence” of germs had popular far-reaching consequences in the scientific community which was convinced of the threat of the microbe to man. Thus was born the fear of germs (bacteriophobia), which still exists today. Before the discoveries of Pasteur, medical science was a disorganised medley of diversified diseases with imaginary causes, each treated symptomatically rather than at their root cause. Up to this time, the evolution of medical thought had its roots in ancient shamanism, superstition and religion, of invading entities and spirits. The profession searched in vain for a tangible basis on which to base its theories and practices. Pasteur then gave the profession the “germ”.

By the 1870s, the medical profession fully adopted the germ theory with a vengeance that continues today. The advent of the microscope made it possible to see, differentiate and categorise the organisms. Invading microbes were now seen as the cause of disease.

The medical-pharmaceutical industry began their relentless search for the perfect drug to combat each disease-causing microbe—of which there are now over 10,000 distinct diseases recognised by the American Medical Association. The universal acceptance of the germ theory and widespread bacteriophobia resulted in frenzied efforts to avoid the threat of germs. A whole new era of modem medicine was then inaugurated, including sterilisation, pasteurisation, vaccination, and fear of eating raw food.

It is frequently overlooked that around 1880, Pasteur changed his theory. According to Dr Duclaux, Pasteur stated that germs were “ordinarily kept within bounds by natural laws, but when conditions change, when its virulence is exalted, when its host is enfeebled, the germ is able to invade the territory which was previously barred to it.”

This is the premise that a healthy body is resistant and not susceptible to disease. With the advent of Pasteur’s mysterious germ, however, medicine cloaked itself under the guise of ‘science’ and ever since has succeeded in keeping the public ignorant of the true nature of dis- ease. -Arthur M. Baker – Exposing the Myth of the Germ Theory

Don’t be scared of me anymore! Just take care of your body and it will take care of you!

“Bechamp’s research proved, as long as 150 years ago, what the root cause of disease was, and how it could be reversed or avoided altogether using safe, natural methods. This was long before the synthetic drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, surgical removal of body parts and vaccines with which we are all so familiar today became the mainstays of mainstream medical treatment.

Bechamp’s work showed that the inner condition and health of the cells (sometimes described as the “terrain” in works of the time) determined whether disease would manifest or spread in the body. He proved through rigorous scientific method and repeated experiments over many years that disease was not due to germs attacking the body from the outside, as Louis Pasteur later convinced the world. What you eat, breathe, drink, and bathe in are the primary factors that determine your body’s inner condition. ‘Germs’ arise as a result of a diseased condition. They are a symptom, not the cause.

While working on fermentation (the breakdown of complex molecules into organic compounds via a “ferment”) Béchamp observed through his microscope a host of tiny bodies in his fermenting solutions. Even before Béchamp’s time, other researchers had observed, but passed off as unexplainable, what they had described as “scintillating corpuscles” or “molecular granulations”. It was Béchamp who, able to ascribe strong enzymatic reactions to them, was led to coin a new word to describe them: microzymas, or “tiny ferments”.

Among these ferments’ many peculiar characteristics was the fact that microzymas were abundantly present in natural calcium carbonate (common chalk), whereas they did not exist in chemically pure calcium carbonate made in a laboratory under artificial conditions. This was the reason why chalk could easily invert cane sugar solutions, while pure calcium carbonate could not. In other words, although chemically the artificial “pure” calcium carbonate is exactly the same as the natural calcium carbonate, only natural chalk has a life which allows it to interact with its environment.

Béchamp went on to study microzymas found in the bodies of animals, and came to the startling conclusion that the tiny forms were more basic to life than cells, which had long been considered to be the building blocks of all living matter. Béchamp propsed that the microzymas were fundamental elements, responsible for the activity of cells, tissues, organs — indeed every aspect of all living organisms. He even found them present in eggs, where they were responsible for the eggs’ further development while themselves undergoing significant changes.

Most incredible to Bechamp was his discovery that when there occurred an event serious enough to affect the whole of an organism, disturbing the natural balance, the microzymas within the organism would begin working to disintegrate the organism, totally converting themselves to bacteria and other microbes, in an attempt to ensure their survival. As proof of that survival, Bechamp found them in soil, swamps, chimney soot, street dust, and in air and water. These basic, and virtually indestructible, elements of which we and all our animal relatives are composed survive the death of the cells in our bodies. So seemingly indestructible were the microzymas that Béchamp could even find them in limestone dating back 60 million years.

According to Bechamp, the microzymas are the seeds of life.

He demonstrated in his laboratory that by using different solutions as an environment he would grow totally different sets of “germs” in spite of the fact that all solutions had been kept in the same sterile conditions. The germs, he was convinced, could not have come from an outside source but had to be originating from within each solution itself. The microzymas, which are the same basic structures for all living material, transformed themselves according to the stimulation of the various environments in which they lived, into different life forms (in these experiments, germs) corresponding to the content of the solution itself.” -from the first link below –


The Deception of Virology & Vaccines — Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious

The Deception of Virology & Vaccines — Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious This post intends to go to the heart of virology and vaccination itself, and what vaccination is propped up by—the entirety of virology and vaccine science is predicated on one thing—that viruses are infectious agents that cause disease. Without this theory, vaccines would not be 'effective' or 'work' in the minds of the people. Without the virus theory, vaccines would crumble like a house of cards. I will show the pseudoscience behind the theories that prop up virology, and the vast problems with it. FIrstly, viruses are not living organisms or living microbes. They do not have a respiratory system, nor do they have a nucleus or digestive system. Viruses are not alive and viruses are not contagious. The fear behind Coronavirus, for instance, is wholly unwarranted. Forget everything you think you know about viruses and bacteria. You have been lied to.

  • The science of virology is based upon the study of viruses, however, no real footage of viral activity exists (except for a recently released (2018) short footage of an HIV virus which shows merely 20% of the virus theory process). Such footage is merely 3D animation and models. Scientific Encyclopedia states viruses have been obtained for experimentation by means of extremely powerful centrifuges which must be specially built. Viruses are so small that they average around 0.1 microns in size for a typical virus.

Observation Of Viruses Is Inherently Flawed Viruses are observed in cell cultures/petri-dish environments: Cell cultures are grown in controlled conditions outside their natural environment, wherein cells are artificially kept alive by fluids that are toxic and do damage to cellular activity. In such a sterile environment, cells cannot utilize the full range of their normal cleansing methods as they would in the human body. Those processes are:

  • Phagocytosis (and all of its processes)

  • Bacterial

  • Fungal

  • Parasitical

  • Viral (virus)

In the processes of phagocytosis, cellular debris and dead and dying tissue are absorbed and discarded for elimination out of the body. It is bacteria that first and foremost carry out this process in large part—mainly as scavengers. Fungus and parasites are called upon as needed in special cases, and in this process, small amounts of viruses may be utilized to accompany all other processes. All of these processes are alive, but viruses are not alive. In such an artificial environment wherein cells are kept alive but not healthy by serums, cells will degenerate, and their viral janitors will become prominent. Viruses do not multiply on their own. When added to fertile petri-dishes that sustain cellular life, no additional viral protein structures appear. Only when cells are added is there multiplication of viral protein structures. However, this is because petri-dishes are not the proper or healthy environment for cells, and so viral waste occurs. This is because cells must manufacture viruses to cleanse themselves in such a toxic environment since they do not have access to the full range of their cleansing processes as would occur in the body. I will show why— Note: Viruses are necessary to dissolve dead and dying tissue when tissue is so toxic that living microbes cannot feed upon and eliminate those tissues, waste, and cellular debris without being poisoned to death. When Would Viral Activity Become Prominent? As stated, viruses may accompany these processes in small amounts. However, viruses will only become prominent when all these other processes have been largely killed due to:

  • Environmental toxicity

  • Pollution

  • Chemical inundation

  • Poor air quality

  • Poor water quality

  • Poor food quality

  • Nutritional deficiencies

  • Wrong combination or choice of foods

  • Medical treatment, such as antibiotics and medications

When a body has a high degree of toxicity, bacteria feeding upon that toxic dead matter and tissue will be poisoned to death. When the body is at such a point of systemic toxicity, where bacterial levels and all living microbes in the body have been diminished or killed due to the above reasons, the body will call upon the help of viruses to help cleanse itself. When the body cannot utilize milder methods, such as a cold (usually bacterial), it will utilize the help of non-living protein solvents which are known as viruses. I will show why this is the only logical answer. Viruses help consume and eliminate substances into small particles that can then be expelled via mucous membranes, out through the skin, or through the intestinal tract. Cells produce viruses when their tissues are so toxic that phagocytes, parasites, bacteria, and fungi cannot help cleanse, repair and regenerate their tissues and fluids. Science states, incorrectly without proof, that viruses originate outside the body, then 'hijack' the RNA or DNA of the cell, and then replicate whilst attacking cells indiscriminately. If this were true, viruses would replicate endlessly, eventually attacking all healthy cells, but they do not. We know that antibodies, a type of white blood cell, regulates the virus. There exists no video evidence of viruses hijacking cells, except for 3D renders, and animations based on theory. The True Creation of Viruses (simplistic view): The above illustration shows how viruses are actually manufactured. This shows the basic simplistic steps of virus creation. Science falsely claims that viruses replicate themselves. In reality, it is the cell itself that is producing the virus. Notice how viruses are manufactured by a healthy cell but do not destroy it. RNA and/or DNA is given by the host cell to dissolve specific substances within the body. If this were not the case, the virus would destroy the cell which created it, but it does not. The virus is ejected, damaging part of the cell, but not destroying it completely. The cell is then able to repair itself in time. Cells conspire as one unit to cleanse themselves and their surroundings so that new cellular activity can thrive. Large amounts of viral activity are present when the body is unable to use milder living microbial detoxification methods to cleanse itself due to systemic toxicity of tissues that poison living microbes. Steps for Creation of a Virus:

  • Viral proteins part of the genome of the living body existing in every cell which determines what type of proteins will be created by a cell is called into action.

  • Viral proteins existing in the cell enter the nucleus of the cell. Viruses are manufactured in their whole form within the cell, and sequenced/encoded via RNA/DNA host directives.

  • The virus leaves the nucleus and is housed in the cell until it leaves the cell.

  • The virus is ejected by the cell, damaging a part of the cell, but not destroying it.

  • Viruses change every 72 hours. Virus replication continues and every 72 hours the first strain is exhausted, and an entirely new set of viruses is then manufactured by cells to continue the job of the previous until the process is complete.

How Viruses are Manufactured — The True Processes of the Virus Viruses do not infect healthy stable cells. They dissolve dead and decaying cells and tissue, dissolving them so that new cellular activity can thrive. A good analogy: Flies appear on dead matter but are not the cause of the dead matter. They are scavengers that break down dead matter. In this way, viruses and bacteria operate in the same exact manner within the body. Without scavengers on Earth to clean up waste, Earth's air would become toxic. The same processes are carried out in the body on a microscopic macro level. Science states the opposite of what reality dictates to us through our own observation of nature. This is impossible because our bodies are microcosms for the way nature operates outside our bodies. Assuming the opposite of this goes against our observable nature and is foolish. As stated, when the normal janitorial functions of the body have been largely diminished and killed due to systemic toxicity, cells can no longer maintain themselves. Red blood cells come together as a whole unit to save themselves and conspire to cleanse themselves by manufacturing solvent protein constructs (virus) that disassemble and break down dead and dying cells, cellular waste, tissue, and foreign debris. Cells manufacture viruses in their whole form cellularly. In this process, viruses are manufactured directly within the cell using pre-existing viral protein in the cell and genome, and are embedded/encoded with RNA and/or DNA by the host cell. The cell ejects the virus, which is then regulated by white blood cells through that encoding (antibodies), which oversee the processes of the virus. This allows the viral activity to be controlled and regulated properly. These two functions are united as one process, and they do not act separately. Once the cell ejects this virus, the cell is partially damaged but is not destroyed. The viruses, which are many, consume and dissolve dead, dying and foreign tissue, debris, unhealthy cells, and cellular waste. This process takes time depending on the toxicity involved. The effects of their elimination are the symptoms experienced in cold or flu. Viruses break these substances down into tiny particles that can then be expelled via mucous, skin, and bowels. When the process is complete, the body becomes stronger, so long as that person does not continue to toxify his or her body further. If he or she does, such extreme detoxifications will always occur. Viral Facts:

  • Viruses cannot enter through the skin or eyes. Such vectors do not work because the mucus membranes and the immune system discard small amounts of foreign proteins such as viruses.

  • Viruses cannot enter through wounds because we bleed outwardly, not inwardly.

  • Viruses do not 'exist' outside of petri-dish solutions or a living body.

  • Viruses cannot function without a host cell that manufactures them and encodes them, and viruses cannot replicate without a host cell.

  • Viruses do not 'infect' or 'invade' cells. They are not alive to do so in the first place. Viruses almost never dissolve living tissue, unless in specific circumstances such as polio and degenerative nervous system diseases where metal toxicity is present.

  • Viruses' primary function is to dissolve dead matter.

  • Cells produce different viral strains depending on the condition of the tissue involved.

  • There are 320,000 viral strains inherent to the human body, and each cell contains the viral protein makeup to manufacture each strain when the body calls for it.

  • Viruses are sequenced/encoded by blood cells via RNA/DNA to break down specific dead and dying tissue and waste. Viruses are very specific protein structures.

  • Coughing, sneezing, and spitting is not a vector for the transmission of viruses. Saliva and mucus membranes break down any such particles. Skin is not a vector either because viruses cannot cross dead skin layers.

  • The only way to get a virus outside of natural means is via direct injection (vaccine) or blood transfusions of a patient who has a virus. However, in such cases, the body only analyzes it as foreign tissue that must be eliminated. Since the virus did not originate within the bodily host, that body does not know the time and place that the virus will be active nor does it have the key to decode it (RNA or DNA encoded by the cell) and cannot find the time of its activity. As such, it is analyzed as a foreign substance that must be eliminated. Protein solvents (viruses) are manufactured of varying strengths to discard this waste if living microbes cannot eliminate it.

  • Viruses are a result of internal toxicity caused by the environment. Viruses are cyclical in animals. Viruses feed upon waste products in the blood and tissue. Throughout the year, upon season and climatic/temperature changes, the body will dump mass amounts of toxins into the blood for removal. Some of these toxins are so toxic in nature, such as mercury, formaldehyde, and other chemical byproducts, that living microbes cannot feed upon and eliminate them without dying. Non-living proteins are then manufactured by each cell in the corresponding location of the body where this cleansing is necessary. Those toxic substances are disassembled and broken down by viruses so that the body can eliminate them, restoring homeostasis.

  • The only way viruses can be used as biological weapons is via injection, period. It is possible that such manmade viral strains are included in regular existing vaccines, and this should not be ruled out as a possibility, but as previously stated, viral strains from outside the body are not recognized. However, manmade substances that are injected can be designed to provoke extreme reactions in humans via various levels of tissue sterilization and adjuvants.

  • Viruses cannot cross-species ie; from animal to mankind. It is impossible for humans to develop animal flus—A. Because viruses are not contagious, and, B. Because animal RNA/DNA is not compatible with human RNA/DNA. The only way animal tissue can be observed in the blood is through injection of animal tissues, which make their way to the blood, bypassing the digestive tract. Only then will swine tissue, or bird tissue, or any such animal tissue appear in the body. When animal meat is consumed by a human, it is converted into human tissue. Human cells cannot produce animal cells or viruses. If we develop viruses, they are human viruses. Even if animal viruses 'hijacked' human cells, human cells cannot possibly produce animal viruses.

Here I will show the important differences between what is now highly adopted in mainstream science, known as the 'Germ Theory', and Antoine Béchamp's 'Terrain Theory': Coronavirus is a respiratory virus manufactured by cells in the lungs and respiratory areas to cleanse themselves of systemic toxicity. Such a cold virus occurs and functions in the following way: - Coronavirus MERS-CoV (2019-nCoV) is a type of acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) with mild to flu-like symptoms. SARS is caused by man-made environmental toxicity. Chemically toxic substances from the air are breathed into the lungs and respiratory system>Toxic particles land onto the surface of the lungs and the fluid-filled sacs in the lungs (alveoli) where they cannot be dislodged or dissolved by living microbes because of their toxicity and nature>Specific non-living protein solvent structures (virus) are then manufactured by cells in the respiratory system to disassemble and break down these substances in the lungs>Mild flu-like symptoms usually result, including coughing and fever, which initiates the cleansing and healing process. Coughing brings blood and nutrients to the respiratory system. The symptoms associated with their removal are what occurs during SARS. Such airborne toxic substances are caused by burning plastics, formaldehyde, and factory tainted air, which encompasses a wide array of very toxic byproducts. Older individuals with already weakened immune systems are prone to more advanced respiratory virus detoxifications and will account for most deaths. This illness may crop up in millions due to dense populations like in China breathing in such air on a daily basis. This does not mean it is contagious—it's not. The 4 Main Steps For Coronavirus Creation:

  • Chemically toxic substances from the air are breathed into the lungs and respiratory system.

  • Toxic particles land onto the surface of the lungs and the fluid-filled sacs in the lungs (alveoli) where they cannot be dislodged or dissolved by living microbes because of their toxicity and nature.

  • Specific non-living protein solvent structures (virus) are then manufactured by cells in the respiratory system to disassemble and break down these substances in the lungs.

  • Mild flu-like symptoms usually result, including coughing and fever, which initiate the cleansing and healing process.

The following images show the changes in pollution levels in the past month, which coincides with a drop in the rate of virus cases: Why Viruses Arise In The Body (summary): As previously stated, the processes of phagocytosis, fungal, parasitical, and bacterial, which are all living microbes, are responsible for consuming and eliminating dead cells, cellular waste, and foreign debris. But when tissue is so toxic that those living microbes cannot feed upon and eliminate those substances without being poisoned to death, cells will conspire to cleanse themselves by manufacturing specific non-living solvents know as viruses, which break down and disassemble those substances into particles to be expelled out through the skin, mucus, and bowels. Viruses leave the cell, damaging only a part of the cell, but not destroying it. Once out of the cell, they are regulated by white blood cell antibodies to dissolve specific tissues and debris necessary to restore relative homeostasis. Viruses do not destroy the cell wherein they are replicated, yet science states they infect other cells and DO destroy other cells indescrimantly, which has no proof and makes no logical sense. Such a theory is obviously untrue because then viruses would attack every living cell without a cause, killing the body every time, but this does not happen. Viruses only dissolve dead and dying waste in almost all circumstances. The only time a virus would appear to attack living tissue is when metals are embedded in the tissue, such as polio cases, where viruses have to get into spinal column areas and cleanse tissue. Since metal is hard to remove from the body, it is natural for viruses to break down living tissue to remove those metals, which gives the illusion that the virus is somehow working against the body. In reality, the virus is attempting to heal the systemic toxicity of the body and reverse it. Metals accumulate from the body from many various sources, one of which is vaccine adjuvants. Conclusion: There is no other explanation for how the human body maintains itself. It is the only logical answer. The truth has been hidden by science for almost 200 years, yet was revealed long ago in the 1800s by scientists such as Antoine Béchamp who documented in his own experiments that viruses are terrain dependant, non-living agents that break down waste matter, that they come from within, not from without. Viruses are nothing more than proteins that cleanse. The same is true about cancer. Cancer is another way the body tries to heal itself, by cocooning dead cells in a tumor in which the body is incapable of removing properly so that it can dissolve and cleanse those cells from the body at a later time. The body is miraculous and finds ways to heal no matter the circumstances. It has ways of shortcircuiting and shortcutting pathways in times of trouble. It is sad that modern science has led so many astray in their thinking with regard to their own bodies and how it functions creating nothing but fear and panic, whilst reaping massive amounts of money for those in power as a result. Such fear places a distrust in our own bodies, our neighbors, and nature itself, making it appear as if we are powerless in the face of disease; that it is beyond our control and only the medical establishment can save us from ourselves. What might those in power benefit from such chaos? Explore that thought. This confusion has led to the coronavirus 'outbreak', and the resulting fear and chaos which surrounds this manufactured and blown out of proportion event. This virus is being used to institute police state style laws and measures around the world, and will only increase if the majority do not wake up to the lies surrounding the nature of viruses and disease. References:

  • The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination, 1956, by Eleanor McBean M.D., N.D. (shows the many dangers of vaccinations, manipulated statistics throughout history, how polio arose, and the nature of virus and disease.)

  • Béchamp Or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by E. Douglas Hume, 1923

  • The Blood and Its Third Element by Antoine Béchamp, 1912

  • Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth, by Walene James, 1942 (discusses Béchamp's 'Terrain Theory' of bacteria and viruses.)

  • The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur, R.B. Pearson, 1942 (First published in 1942 under the title 'Pasteur Plagiarist Imposter!-the Germ Theory Exploded'. Shows that Louis Pasteur plagiarized and distorted the work of professor Antoine Béchamp. The author propounds the viewpoint that bacteria in the body are a result, not a cause of disease, that vaccinations are harmful or at best, ineffective, and that Pasteur did not realize the consequences of the vaccines he and his followers created.)

"The microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything" — Claude Bernard 1813-1878 (widely regarded to be the father of modern physiology). “The primary cause of disease is in us, always in us” — Professor Pierre Antoine Bechamp, 1883. SOURCE: COMMENTS: What has become of the Rife Microscope? Written by Christopher Bird New Age Journal, Boston, March 1976, pp 41-47 History of the Development of a Successful Treatment for Cancer and Other Virus, Bacteria and Fungi."


Antoine Béchamp: "Microzymas with heterogeny, histogeny, physiology and pathology"

The book that I finally decide to release is the fruit of long research, the starting point of which was the study of a very simple chemical fact. It was announced that pure cane sugar, dissolved in distilled water, inverts over time, even when cold; That is to say that this sugar thus fixed the elements of water to form the 2 glucoses, of unequal rotating powers and in opposite directions, the mixture of which constitutes the inverted sugar. Chemists knew that the inversion takes place under the influence of strong acids, slowly when cold, almost instantly at a boil. It would have been remarkable that such a profound reaction, which determines a doubling of the sugar molecule, could have taken place without provocative cause. So I repeated the experience. The inversion took place, but at the same time I noticed that there was mold in the solution; I ignored it at first, and published the result as confirmation of the stated fact. However, I had varied the experiment: in one of the solutions I had added zinc chloride, and in another calcium chloride, and the sugar was not inverted. .... Thinking about it, I came to wonder if the mold might not be the provocative cause of the reaction. It was a ray of light. After a few more or less demonstrative trials, I instituted several series of experiments which lasted from 1856 to the end of 1857. The result was conclusive: the inversion only takes place after the development of the mold. And so it was that pure chemistry research, in itself very simple, became the starting point for physiological studies that occupied me almost continuously for almost thirty years. The start was therefore modest. Nothing is more ordinary than seeing mold growing in the most diverse solutions, organic or even mineral. If I had stuck to the theories that were accepted among scholars, I would have neglected mold after having, as a faithful historian, noted its presence. It was for not having considered the fact as a fortuitous encounter that it resulted in the discovery of the physiological theory of fermentation and, later, the enunciation of a new doctrine concerning organization and life, of which this book contains the history ... ... I must not hide it, the fundamental fact on which the new doctrine is based, despite the most irrefutable proofs, the verifications which have gone until the appropriation, is not yet accepted by everyone whose opinions it contradicts. systems and interests; The guiding idea, moreover, was too much against accepted opinions not to raise objections. I must have neglected nothing: this is above all what obliged me to give the work so much scope. ... I have said that this book contains the enunciation of a new doctrine concerning organization and life. Isn't that pretentious? That’s why we have to explain. 6 ... It was in this state of science that I began studying the cane sugar reversal. I had taken care to assure myself of the purity of the sugar I was using; I had particularly insisted on the fact that it was devoid of albuminoid matter. So I had nothing in my solutions that could be considered as being capable, by spontaneous alteration, of giving rise to a ferment. Thus, it is quite certain that in 1854, nothing was known about the function of infusoria molds, nor did we know their origin when they appear in infusions. M. Pasteur had, in 1857, reserved the question of the spontaneous origin of his lactic ferment. So at the same time, I demonstrated that they originate from the germs of the air, that they are ferments, that they secrete a zymase and create the matter of their tissues and their albuminoid matter. But I had in addition made another observation which was fertile in unintended consequences. It is about the discovery of microzymas and hence the nature and function of molecular granulations. Microzymas or molecular granulations Under the general name of mold, I understood everything in these solutions that involved the reversal of the sugar and the acidification of these solutions. Now, in a few experiments, where the inversion did occur, I saw only extremely small microscopic forms, unlike anything known among infusoria. These forms, which the Memoir of 1857 designates as small bodies, I considered them as organized, looking at them as ferments. Little by little, I came to compare them with the molecular granulations that M. Berthelot, in his research on alcoholic fermentation, at the same time, had noted without attributing to them a role, considering them as amorphous matter; then finally to all the molecular granulations of the authors, which were specified as animated by Brownian motion ... In a letter to M. Dumas (September 1865), I even compare the molecular granulations of chalk and milk. Finally, in 1866, in a note on the role of chalk in lactic and butyric fermentations, I called them microzymas. ... The discovery of microzymas, considered a new category of organized beings, has been fertile in theoretical and practical consequences of considerable importance. It was she who, when I found that the microzymas of chalk, those of milk, as well as those of the atmosphere can, for evolution, to become bacteria, has allowed us, Mr. Estor and me, to demonstrate that the molecular granulations of cells, tissues and humors are, not amorphous, fatty or other granulations, but indeed really living forms and organized. In short, from this simple observation it followed that living organisms, even the highest in the series of beings, conceal life in any part detached from this being.I said that in the past we did not see how it would be possible to experimentally attack the problem of organization and of life. In fact, the living being was conceived as an indivisible whole, all of the parts of which live together as a whole. 7 After death, everything is supposed to be dead in man; in the animal that has just died, everything is dead. Not 2 years ago, discussing these questions with an English doctor, I told him about the persistence of life in the corpse. He smiles significantly! This is the common opinion ... ... The purpose of these lectures is to demonstrate that the vital, irreducible, physiologically indestructible unit of which the cell itself is formed is none other than the microzyma. It is the living form, reduced to its simplest expression, having life in itself, without which life does not manifest itself anywhere .... In short, the microzyma is the living unit per se; and that is what cannot be asserted from the cell. I did not manage to conceive of this idea at the outset, which flow from the facts as from a clear source; the lectures retrace the history of its development. It has been almost a quarter of a century since it was formulated, and its consequences, even the most distant ones which relate to pathology, were deduced from it. Mr. Estor, who worked next to me, early became my devoted and convinced collaborator, so much so that in some parts, I do not know how to distinguish between him and me ... .... I said there were plenty of checks. In Germany, microzymas have been discovered, under other names .... ... A Swiss scientist, M. Nencki, professor of medical chemistry in Bern, did not limit himself to helping to demonstrate the new doctrine, he had the generosity to formulate in favor of microzymas a claim for priority in rule: “There is no doubt,” says Mr. Nencki, “that the germs of putrefactive enzymes exist in most tissues of living animals. To my knowledge, it was A. Béchamp who was the first to consider certain molecular granulations, which he calls microzymas, as being organized ferments and who resolutely defended his view against various attacks. A. Béchamp then formulates the following three propositions based on the research he had undertaken jointly with Estor. 1. In all the animal cells examined, there are constant and necessary normal granulations, similar to what Béchamp called microzyma; 2. In a physiological state, these microzymas retain the apparent shape of a sphere; 3. Outside of economics, without the intervention of any foreign germ, microzymas lose their normal form; they begin by associating in a rosary, which has been made a separate genre under the name of torula; later they stretch out to represent isolated bacteria or associated. We see, adds M. Nencki, that the later researches of Billroth and Tigel are in their results only the confirmation of these three propositions. " ... Mr. Estor and me, speaking of normal microzymas in organized beings, have never heard of anything but healthy and living animals, that is, examined immediately after being sacrificed. 8 When there were other circumstances to be noted, we were always careful to do so. This is how Mr. Estor, guided by the theory, had observed the presence of microzymas in strings and bacteria in the material of cysts examined as soon as opened, thus proving that the microzymas could evolve in the living, in the body of the man himself, in the state pathological... ... As a result, we imagined that microzymas are living beings andrangers in the body. Hence the error of those who, finally seeing the microzymas in the tissues that have become diseased, invariably take them for parasites which have made genera and species ... ... I devoted a whole lecture - the 11th - to right these mistakes. Microzyma is no stranger to the living organism; on the contrary, it is in him that the life and activity of each living center in this organism are concentrated, each according to the goal it is to achieve. ... Before Mr Pasteur, I looked in the air for the cause of the appearance of molds and microzymas in my solutions. Later I demonstrated, which Mr. Pasteur had not done, that microzymas constitute the essential part of what are called air germs, thus giving a body to these germs which were neither spores or eggs; while Mr. Pasteur was still looking for the eggs of the bacteria, I proved that they were the result of the evolution of microzymas. Long before 1876, ..., I had even researched whether atmospheric microzymas, far from having been created on purpose, were not the living remains of extinct organisms: the 11th lecture contains the history of this research. I do not dispute the remarkable qualities of the experiments of M. Toussaint and M. Pasteur, concerning the attenuation of viruses; they are very interesting when one considers them in the theory of microzyma, I explain myself in the 14th lecture; but they do not understand M. Pasteur's system. In fact, apart from really parasitic diseases, there were not, initially, originally, the germs of real diseases: smallpox, syphilis, typhoid fever, anthrax, etc., in the air. It has never been demonstrated to exist. In the air, there are microzymas; M. Pasteur denies it, and I demonstrate that they are those of the disappeared organisms; that they can be accidentally morbid, but losing their morbidity as a result of a change that I see experimentally. I have long understood the reason for the persistence of Mr. Pasteur's attacks. I believe the situation is cleared up. If microzymas exist and if the theory that follows from their discovery is true, the opposite system is false. And if, from beginning to end, this book has taken on the character of a polemic against Mr. Pasteur, whose merit I like to proclaim, however, it is not only the incident in London; there is his word, which acquires so much authority from the eminent position which he so rightly occupies. I could not help but remark that having taken as the basis of his last work on the etiology of diseases an unverified hypothesis and principles which observation has never confirmed, he was taking medicine in the wrong direction. . ... And now I close by expressing to the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Medicine, my feelings of deep appreciation. The first of these illustrious companies has always admitted our 9 communications and our complaints in the minutes of the meeting; the second kindly listened to my communications with the benevolence that she never refuses to those who cultivate science with disinterestedness!


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