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Updated: Jun 17, 2021

Genetics: Genome in Dissolution

By Ulrich Bahnsen - November 6, 2008

The genome WAS considered to be the unchangeable blueprint of the human being, which is determined at the beginning of our life.

Science must bid farewell to this idea. In reality, our genetic make-up is in a state of constant change

Two years ago, 25 geneticists sat down at the University of California at Berkeley to answer this seemingly simple question: What is a gene? However, the attempt to define the basic concept of their field precisely proved to be extremely difficult. The expert meeting almost ended in disaster, recalls Karen Eilbeck, Professor of Human Genetics at Berkeley and host of the round table: "We had meetings for hours. Everyone was screaming at everyone else."

The argument at Berkeley has little to do with research readiness. It was a first symptom that the life sciences - as yet unnoticed by the public - are on the verge of a turning point. What researchers are bringing to light in the chromosomal strands of humans or animals goes beyond the previous thought patterns of genetics. Similar to the beginning of the 20th century, when Einstein and his comrades-in-arms formed a new physical world view, the age of relativistic genetics may be dawning.

Medical research in particular is facing new challenges. The first outlines show that body and soul, their health, disease, development and aging are subject to a genetic interplay whose complexity exceeds all previous conceptions. Geneticists must abandon their image of a stable genome, in which changes are pathological exceptions. The genome of each individual is in a state of constant transformation. As a result, every organism, every human being, even every cell of the body is a genetic universe in itself.

The first analysis of the human genome was still a lengthy and costly affair, the result - celebrated in 2000 by US President Bill Clinton as the "Book of Life" - a sequence of three billion letters. Since then, new laboratory techniques, with the help of which enormous amounts of data can be generated and analyzed, have generated a flood of new findings on the inner life of the human genome in particular. In the process, the book dissolves before the eyes of the readers. The genome is not a stable text. The state of knowledge also raises basic philosophical questions such as the genetic and thus biophysical identity of the human being - and possibly demands radically different answers. The geneticists have their sights set on a new "human project" - motto: All about the ego.

"Our assumptions were so naive that it's almost embarrassing," says Craig Venter

The latest results show more than ever that humans are a product of genetic processes. But also that these processes are equipped with many degrees of freedom. They form an open system in which by no means everything is predetermined.

After the first genome coding, only a few people suspected this. The experts believed they had understood how a gene looks and functions, which functional principles the human or microbial genome follows. "In retrospect, our assumptions about how the genome works back then were so naive that it is almost embarrassing," says Craig Venter, who was involved in the project with his company Celera. What was expected was a collection of complicated but understandable recipes for the life processes. Now it becomes clear: The book of life is full of enigmatic prose.

It was only the first climax of the upheaval, when a few months ago the conviction of the genetic uniformity and thus identity of mankind broke down. Until then, the assumption had been that the genetic material of any two people differed only by about one per mille of all DNA building blocks. But the differences in the genetic makeup of humans are in reality so great that science now confirms what the vernacular has long known: "Every man is different. Completely different!

Craig Venter himself has contributed greatly to this insight. The charismatic genetic guru from Rockville in the US state of Maryland has had his own genetic makeup deciphered. Almost simultaneously, experts from the 454 Life Sciences Company decoded the genome of Nobel Prize winner James Watson, discoverer of the DNA double helix and Venter's intimate enemy. He did not want to hope, Venter teased, that too many similarities would be discovered between him and Watson.

After the celebrity sequencing of the research divas, scientists in Shenzhen announced that they had completely decoded an anonymous Han Chinese. A few days ago, the geneticist Gert-Jan van Ommen from the University of Leiden reported the first decoding of a woman. This was the clinical geneticist Marjolein Kriek, a member of van Ommen's team. The detailed analyses of the genetic data now reveal The human genome is just as diverse as the body and psyche.

Using Venter's genome, it was possible for the first time to catalog the differences. The genome of human somatic cells consists of half of a chromosome set inherited from the father and half from the mother. The researchers had expected that the parental dowry would show differences; it has long been known that there are numerous exchanges of individual letters in the genome (so-called SNPs - single nucleotide polymorphisms). However, they were surprised by the true extent of the differences: in almost every second gene of the researcher they found differences between the maternal and paternal gene copies. During the comparison, the experts also detected a large number of so-called indels: millions of times, entire sections had been newly incorporated into the genetic molecules (inversion) or had simply disappeared (deletion). Others had been detached from their environment and reinserted upside down.

The previous conviction that each gene usually exists only twice in the genome (once in the paternal, once in the maternally inherited set of chromosomes) is also incorrect. In reality, a great deal of genetic information is subject to a process of duplication and exists in up to 16 copies in the cell nucleus. Various research teams have now discovered such copy number variants (CNVs) in at least 1500 human genes; there are probably many more of these Xerox genes, with each person having a different CNV profile. The explosiveness of the findings is exacerbated by the discovery that the CNV patterns in the genome are by no means stable, the copy number of the genes may decrease or increase, and even the somatic cells of an individual human differ from each other.

The idea that the genome represents a natural constant, a fixed source code of the human being, is now crumbling under the weight of the findings. The US geneticist Matthew Hahn already compared the genome with a revolving door: "Genes constantly come, others go.

Especially the brain functions seem to be affected: CNVs are the main cause of various forms of mental retardation, autism, schizophrenia and other organic brain disorders. However, in interaction with other genetic processes, they probably also regulate the expression of healthy mental characteristics. "This is one of the most exciting and fruitful new areas of human genetics," says U.S. geneticist David Haussler of the University of California at Santa Cruz. The genome-wide search for such gene variations has already yielded astonishing results. The medicine of the future, the researcher predicts, will be characterized by the results of ultra-fast genome sequencing and massive computing power: "We have to keep an eye on hundreds, maybe thousands of genes simultaneously to understand diseases.

Identical twins develop genetically apart even as embryos

The 1000 Genomes Project has now been launched to determine the true extent of the construction work in the gene pool. Over a period of three years, the consortium of sequencing centers in the United States, the United Kingdom and China will sequence the genomes of 1000 people from around the world, recording the variance of genetic data from various populations around the world.

The interplay in the human genome is not only able to explain the individual peculiarities of the individual, it also produces the genetic assortment from which evolution continues to shape humans. This makes another disturbing finding understandable: The species Homo sapiens is apparently undergoing a turboevolution. Hundreds of areas of the genome have changed much faster than in other primates. New research even concludes that civilization must have accelerated human evolution 100-fold since the beginning of the Neolithic Age.

Science magazine named the discovery of these genetic variations as the breakthrough of 2007. Not even a year earlier, the journal mused, the prospect of soon distilling the factors that mark the evolutionary path to Homo sapiens through the precise comparison of the genomes of humans and chimpanzees had been celebrated. But even before the question of what in our DNA makes us human is answered, the next question is already in the room: "What in my DNA makes me myself?

One of the first insights of the new genetics also makes this question almost obsolete. Everything points to a startling answer: I am many.

At least physically, man no longer appears as an individual, but as an association of selfish cell colonies. In up to ten percent of all genetic material - and perhaps far more - either the maternal or the paternal variant is active. This pattern, called "autosomal monoallelic expression" in technical jargon, is already established in the embryo. And there each cell makes its own decision. "We believe that this happens when the embryo implants itself," says geneticist Andrew Chess of Harvard University. As a result, the adult organism resembles a patchwork of cell groups whose genetic networks are knitted differently.

Whether individual genetic information in these gene cascades originates from father or mother has drastic consequences, contrary to previous assessments. Their information content may show subtle differences, but these have profound consequences in the highly complex networks that control human traits. Another fascinating finding comes from Andrew Chess' Harvard laboratory: monoallelic expression is particularly common in genes that underwent accelerated evolution during the course of human development and those with important functions in the central nervous system. What this means for the functioning of the brain and the construction of the psyche cannot even be estimated at present.

Since then, the belief has been held that at least the healthy organism represents a harmonious system that works in harmony with itself. Instead, the research findings paint the picture of a fragile puzzle of biologically disparate units. Health would thus be an unstable state in which the egoisms of the mosaic pieces are kept in check. In any case, even the biological identity of the individual is at stake. What sounds frightening to many is an inspiring idea for the American geneticist Steven Henikoff: "I like the idea that we are mosaics.

At its core, this also threatens the work of those scientists who want to measure the influence of the environment on human development. For decades they have been trying to distinguish the influence of the environment from the dictates of genes when comparing monozygotic and dizygotic twins. They have used the differences between pairs of identical twins as a measure of the influence of the environment on the characteristics of humans - after all, these twins have completely identical genes. Therefore, all differences must be culturally and not biologically determined.

However, as it now turns out, there is no question of this: it is a fact that identical twins are genetically not identical, says Chess, "this is a really exciting result". Not only in the exclusively maternal or paternal activity pattern of their genes, but also in their CNV pattern there are clear differences. "We have always wondered why there are differences between identical twins, for example in their susceptibility to complex diseases," says Chess, "our discovery is one explanation." Social and material external factors can also shape a person in a detour via biology - by changing his or her gene functions. Through so-called epigenetic processes, stress or torture, lack of nutrition or withdrawal of love can apparently have an effect right into the cell nucleus.

In view of the flood of these still largely mysterious findings, genetic researchers are facing a similar fate to cosmologists who have been researching the mysterious "dark matter" in the universe for several years. Bioscientists are now also puzzling over the dark matter of the genome.

Our genome does not determine what kind of person develops from it

They might find the dark secret in that part of the genetic material that they have so far dismissed as garbage, as "junk DNA". Relevant for them were only those few percent of the genome which, as genes of conventional definition, contain the necessary information for the construction of proteins in the cells. The rest was considered evolutionary junk. At best, this part of the genome could be imagined as a stabilizing element, as a kind of connecting cement between the actually important genetic information.

Now, however, it has become clear that it is above all the dark DNA matter in the chromosomes in which many of the newly discovered processes take place. Apparently the "junk" is full of unknown genes, populated by control modules. Especially the so-called microRNAs, a class of genetic information unknown until recently, regulate a multitude of developmental and disease processes.

The conclusion from all these new findings can only be Although the characteristics of a human being are rooted in its genome, in the open system of the embryonic genome it is by no means determined which human being will one day grow out of it. Even if an embryo that has been exactly duplicated down to the last molecule could be allowed to grow in the womb under identical circumstances - "another human being would still emerge," assures the Berlin geneticist Nikolaus Rajewsky. And that even without the influence of education and culture.

In view of the complexity and indeterminacy of genetic processes, many visions of the optimized design human, but also many warnings of the dangers of genetic research are now being exposed as a greatly simplified vulgar biologism. Tinkering with the genome is proving to be much more complicated than expected. And the fantasy that cloning could be used to resurrect gifted artists, brilliant researchers or simply a loved one in identical form will probably remain wishful thinking forever.

Translated & reblogged Version - Original here


First let's identify the end game in literally EVERY "developing science" which always comes back to the administration of drug's into the human body, the interpretations of symptoms of healing as symptoms of disease, and fighting those symptoms which you and I know is of course creating more future disease.

In the case of genetics they are claiming to be able to or at least are aspiring to "eliminate disease".

What does this mean?

Are they planning to permanently eliminate the bodies ability to clarify toxins from the terrain?

We know that, embarrassingly, identical twins taking genetic heritage tests end up with different results.

Now, according to their "breakthrough" in understanding, identical twins magically now have different genes!

How convenient.

The article portrays the genetic process as a fragile mosaic of selfish parts vying for dominance.

Everything is a war for these people.

So many drastic statements made in this article and I don't see any links to the research behind them, including the biggest, where is the direct evidence for these "genes"?

This all amounts to "gene therapy" which means more drugs, more disease, and more distraction from the true cause of disease which is the food and industrial products this toxic empire creates for us to consume.

The entire field of medical science (as well as every other field of mainstream science) is designed to perpetuate ignorance and disease.

Furthermore they make not one mention of the role of electricity.

No mention of microzyma, which to our understanding, is the smallest genuine detection of the microscopic world before it, perhaps, tapers off into field energy. ______________________________________

I know some really smart people... Thanks Pete thanks Jon

Telegraph main page with overview of all articles: Link


What people, including geneticists, need to realize -when it comes to "viruses"...without a proven virus (meaning proving X particle causes Y disease) - the genetics are moot. I see all these virologists now focusing ONLY on genomics, presupposing the things they find are "viral", etc. But the assumptions are massive, and you have to know you're starting with the proper premise. ______ "A disproof is stronger than thousands of proofs, no matter whether it originates from a knowledgeable scholar or from an amateur. Though even millions of white swans have been observed, this is insufficient to conclude that all swans are white." This is powerful. Falsification is a powerful tool. _____

Consider this when pondering "genetically altering" vaccines. DNA is just a theoretical concept. The so-called indirect evidence of the existence and structure of DNA are just completely unsustainable interpretations. No one can prove that the bands of different sizes seen on gel electrophoresis are the expression of the existence of the hypothetical structure of what is claimed to be DNA. No one has ever seen what a so-called chain of molecules looks like that would form the hypothetical genetic material in chromosomes. The so-called INDIRECT visualization by "X-ray crystallography" or the INDIRECT one by "electron microscope" are equal to ZERO ... when they say that, I quote: "Interpreting the images requires complex mathematics to figure out what crystal structure could give rise to the observed patterns." (The structure of DNA was originally discovered using X-ray crystallography. This involves X-rays scattering off atoms in crystallized arrays of DNA to form a complex pattern of dots on photographic film. Interpreting the images requires complex mathematics to figure out what crystal structure could give rise to the observed patterns.) Take a look at the so-called DNA images in this article as well, and you'll immediately realize that "scientists" are talking about something they haven't seen and will never be able to see with their own eyes ...

One cannot not find real images taken with an optical microscope, although Royal Raymond Rife developed between the two world wars a super-optical microscope based on completely different principles from ordinary optical microscopes, obtaining magnifications between 15,000x and 60,000. x, comparable only to electron microscopes, developed around the same time.It is claimed that the image below is the only detailed image in the DNA strand and is obtained under an electron microscope. But this is impossible because the manufacturers say that the electron microscope scans with the flow of electrons and that it dramatically and irreparably changes any biological structure. I would encourage anyone who believe in the idea of DNA to go back and read how it was supposedly isolated. Absolute comedy. It include actually boiling the sample. Ridiculous. There is no proof that DNA exist》

________________ Evidence Falsifying the Double Helix Model _

___ Through more than 40 years of reading, thinking, searching, and experimentation, we have found that the double helix model carries some defects or incorrect information. Evidence gleaned from the literature clearly indicates that the two strands of DNA are coiled ambidextrously, rather than plectonemically. It is likely that the linking number of native chromosomal Escherichia coli (E. coli) DNA is less than 960. Presently, a clear voice is necessary to break the ice formed from decades of misleading media, questionable textbooks, and expediency. For the sake of science, we are responsible and willing to share our hard-earned knowledge, experience, and knack with the public. A promising research plan is provided for the additional falsification of the right-handed double helix model. It would be a precision hit at the Achilles’ heel of the double helix model. An appropriate conceptual shift will hopefully lead to new knowledge on the secondary structure of DNA and improve understanding of its biological functions. __


_____ Here is a paper referenced in the above article. What we always need to keep in mind is that all of these things are extrapolated and assumed. Even EM images - EM itself destroys and alters tissue. They simply have no idea that what they're seeing in these EM pics is what is actually going on in the organism. Same thing with the ways they treat specimens with varying chemicals, temp changes, etc. NOTHING done is physiologic. Yet they just assume that these variables are not confounders. You'll find this in pretty much all of biochemistry and molecular biology, as well as genetics. It's a difficult problem and I'm not sure how anyone would ever be able to study the true "goings on" in the body. ___

___ By the logic of this article we have never, and probably will never, see subcellular life (including the internal life of a cell) in action. Makes one wonder how exactly we have come to the carnival of conclusions we have about things like bio replication (dna). ABSTRACT: Electron microscopy of biological cells in liquid provides unique nanoscale information. A highly attractive idea is the capability to also study physiological processes of live cells with electron microscopy. However, this idea seems unrealistic because the minimal needed electron dose to obtain contrast is already many orders of magnitude above the lethal dose known to cause reproductive-cell death. We show here that claims of electron microscopy of viable cells in recent reports are based on a questionable interpretation of the used fluorescence live/dead assay. A practical alternative to study biological processes is correlative light and electron microscopy. _______________ Perhaps there is an intelligent organizing force beyond the materialist concept of DNA? Could this force be of an electrical nature? Furthermore, of what relationship do Microzyma have to this force? Are Microzyma the first biological expression of this universal intelligence? cool!! _________________________

_________ Cell Biology is Currently in Dire Straits by Harold Hillman (Unity Laboratory of Applied Neurobiology, 76, Epsom Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 2BX, U.K.)

____ Virology and DNA are incestuous deceptions. There is no direct evidence for DNA, just conjecture, computer models and simulations and artists sketches. In short, we can't see DNA or any physical mechanical pieces transcribing or reverse transcribing anything. And yet we are told that a virus is a piece of this genetic material. In fact the first supposed "discoveries" of DNA and the Virus were made by the same person, Rosalind Franklin, within short time of each other with the same x ray chrsytalization microscopy device. Take a look at the so-called DNA images in this article as well, and you'll immediately realize that "scientists" are talking about something they haven't seen with either their eyes or instruments directly. With the PCR test they can't even say that they are misidentifying normal healthy genetic material for a pathogenic virus because they cannot isolate either in the first place. They're just playing games with chemicals in tubes. __________________ _________

DNA Evidence Can Be Fabricated, Scientists Show

i just searched double helix in group - omg we could reshape an organic world - hanging gardens everwhere !!!!

Protein/Virus/Vitamin Isolation What is a protein? What we need to turn our attention to is the actual biochemical proof that a protein exists, as explained by our medical model, and question of what proof there is of what it actually does INSIDE the body. You will find that the isolation process for proteins is a fairly convoluted affair involving the administration of toxic chemicals, filtration of substances measured with color schemes, more chemicals, etc, and ALL done in every experiment OUTSIDE the body. From this point drastic assumptions are made about the role of these "isolated" substances with respect to the process of construction and maintenance of our bodies. It is highly questionable that proteins are a reality as explained by popular science. This same exact thing can be said, for all of the exact same reasons, for so called "vitamins" and even DNA (which is essentially an artistic interpretation based on algorithms in computer models). In fact when one compares the isolation process and subsequent interpretation habits of results by mainstream biochemistry, you'll see the same pattern of deception and unscientific work in virtually every case. Furthermore, in literally every experimental scenario these deceptions miraculously serve to enhance authoritative control of the dominator paradigm by disempowering our health and freedom.

Protein/Vitamin DNA

VIRUS The following written by Igson Negrin concerning virus isolation. It all comes down to the anti-scientific basis of virology due to not performing control experiments. At the faculty in the laboratories, various control experiments are mandatory, which is the basis for interpreting the experimental work as scientific. Virologists do not perform controls in the laboratory or in the field of bioinformatics when processing data by computer:

a) 2. 3. 4. b) Rosalind Franklin ________________

There's something truly nefarious going on and I'm pulling from all angles to identify it. Im actually putting together a larger response in a post and I'll of course tag you in. Off the cuff tho I can say this. They are claiming to detect genetic disposition to disease. What does that say. That's fraud right there because we know that disease is a result of the toxic consumption we have regarding choices like diet and drug intake, vaccines atc. How on earth would our dna predict our lifestyle and choices like that? Huge red flag straight away they are lying. I also notice that their database uses family history and an "algorithm" Also they say theor data base is focused on white Europeans. Why would it need to be? Is it because that demographic is the greatest wealth of historical record? Furthermore they are making outrageous claims like needing only 2 percent of the populations dna to identify anyone without having a sample of theor dna. To me its yet another attempt to enforce control through the illusion of high science and fear of disease as the whole field of genetics is tightly woven into germ theory. This deceit has major implications for law enforcement as well as they can recreate crime scenes by creating dna evidence (I've got an article on that) and place blame on whoever the damn well feel if this all goes according to their plan.


I would encourage anyone who believe in the idea of DNA to go back and read how it was supposedly isolated. Absolute comedy. It include actually boiling the sample. Ridiculous. There is no proof that DNA exist _______________


DIET AND LIFESTYLE The Price-Pottenger Story (CAT STUDY) Golden Mean, Fractals And DNA - Dan Winter THE TOXIC PLAGUE Air Pollution Has Been a Problem Since the Days of Ancient Rome Cosmology Science Books


Interested in this topic ? - here is some more discussion and links

It's highly questionable to conclude that microzyma ARE DNA. (Although posting that truth in the Terrain Model group now gets you removed, which happened to me today, as it goes against the ordained teaching of their new cult leader, Robert Rust).

It is equally as questionable to assume dna is the only intelligent self replicating force in the universe.

My research is leading to the conclusion that microzyma are the bridge between electromagnetic intelligence (pure consciousness) and biological intelligence.

Physical matter is at root a field of this innately intelligent energy, however it is not biological.

The idea that biology alone is the only example of universal intelligence, and that this intelligence miraculously sprang from dumb dead matter is false.

This article proves NON MITOSIS DNA creation which means it did not come from previously formed dna which means there is a deeper organizational force and that force is electric intelligence.

Everything in the universe is organized and conducted by electrical intelligence.

Here is more evidence of spontaneous organization of non biological chemicals into motive cellular life.

This scientist proposes that microzyma actually create the universe.

Germs come from microzyma, as does dna.

Microzyma are literally immortal and can be found in all matter, living or dead.

My research is incomplete, but so far it is all pointing to the conclusion that there is a universal consciousness out of which all things are born both material and immaterial.

By my research and observation, this is the innately intelligent aether energy.

Aether energy, innately intelligent electromagnetic plasma, is the fundamental and universal organizing force of reality, from galaxies star and planet formation, to microbes and DNA.

Microzyma are the first expression of this creative force in biological form, followed by DNA.

Some hypothesize that microzyma ARE DNA, but this is not true.

DNA decays, deteriorates, can be compromised, poisoned and destroyed.

Microzyma are immortal, are found in all things both biological and not, survive any imaginable extreme condition and survive the death of every living being they create so as to break it back down into fundamental energy, recycling death back into life.

Our germs indeed do form out of our own cells and we do not need any form of exogenous bacteria or fungus, yeast etc as we are literally made of the microzyma which polymorph into these microbes.

Chalk, limestone, is composed of the microzyma of the bacteria which living beings of the geological epochs had become and these materials will start sugar water fermenting when rehydrated.

The mummies in Egypt are composed only of left over microzyma which do the same, start fermentation after hydration.

Put these back in water, the mummies or the chalk, and their "little dots" start rolling, moving once again. They just start eating again, fermenting their environment depending on acid base, after thousands or millions years. It never stops, Life.

From Viennese Medical Week, No. 34;

"After slow thawing, Protits (microzyma) isolated from a mammoth frozen more than 50,000 years ago were shown to spontaneously show life again and begin fermentation in sugar solutions."

The following is from SANUM-TherapieBetrachtungen und Erfahrungen Eine Heilbehandlung an der Basis von Wilhelm Fries;

"the Russian researcher Ginsberg-Karagitschewa provided proof in 1926 that Protits (microzyma) isolated from petroleum showed completeviability and started the fermentation of sugar. A German by the name of Shwartz confirmed this also for German petroleum."

It is important to note that petroleum is a byproduct of planet formation and not the product of dead biological life.

We know that dna decay, deteriorate and can be destroyed.

By all accounts, including by antoine bechamp himself, microzyma are indestructible.

They can survive any extreme of environmental pressure.

They do not age or decay as does DNA.

some of this here so i can find it easier



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